I just clicked the Restore saved draft option and was confronted with an array of botched lyrics from Les Miserables. Clearly the last time I attempted an LJ entry I was a little drunk.
Anyway, the point of this entry is to squee about Remix, because the stories went live a day or so ago! I've been pootling through the HP stories and will definitely have recs very soon. The standard has been fantastic so far!
My own remixer chose
Out of the Shadows, my Snapefic that I wrote for
lynkemma a few months ago. They've done a gorgeous job, switching the viewpoint so that it covers the same events but from Harry's POV on Snape. They've also reversed the timeline, and it works beautifully, ending on a lovely, if bittersweet, positive note. If you're reading, dear remixer, thank you very much - I love it! Well, you probably knew that since I squeed all over the feedback form, but it's worth reiterating, I feel. The story is
Out of the Shadows (Shadow and Light Remix), and you should all go and read it.
Am now wibbling over the fic I remixed, because I loved the original story and can't wait for names to be revealed so that I can rec it publicly. I hope my remixee didn't mind my messing with it too much.