cheesy patriotic post

Jul 04, 2005 14:27

Happy Fourth of July!

I'm not always thrilled with the things my country does, and I may really hate our current president, but dammit, this administration is not representative of my America. My America is a place that was founded on equality and tolerance for all, and intelligent discussion between all shades of the political spectrum is encouraged. It's where ingenuity and ambition are used to solve problems, not create them. It's where creativity is nurtured, not censored. It's where democracy is the gold standard, where oppressed people find a better life.

Maybe we've lost our way in recent years. We've lost sight of what this country was founded on. But to all those people who think that if we don't blindly agree with whatever comes out of the White House, we should get the hell out, I say hell no. And to all those people who think we should jump ship and move to Canada, I say hell no, too. You don't just toss something good if it's broken, you fix it. We're a young country, we've still got growing pains to get through. Now we're apparently in the schoolyard, finger-pointing, name-calling, I'm-taking-my-toys-and-going-home stage. We'll get through it, just like we got through the Civil War, women's suffrage, the Depression and the civil rights movement. We just keep on pushing our way to something better. I'll be damned if I'm going to just roll over and leave this country to the Tom DeLays and Bill Frists and Jerry Falwells.

So get on out there and enjoy the parades and the watermelon and the cookouts and the sparklers, Americans: gay America, Hispanic America, Muslim America, black, pagan, transgendered, Asian, Middle-Eastern, Christian, whoever the hell you are. It's your America, too.
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