Dec 19, 2004 20:56

What a beautiful wedding! Morgan looked so beautiful. I couldn't be happier for her and Chris! It was great seeing all the Bartlett girls again since I haven't talked to most of them since graduation. I stayed with Katy on Thursday night (and Friday and Saturday, too, but just not in her room) at RC, in Lacy's old room. We went to Macado's with Christian, Kelsey and James. Just like old times, except not...

It was EXTREMELY weird being back on campus. Molly warned me about it since she's visited Western already. She was right, I didn't feel like I belonged there anymore. It was more jarring than I expected, to not feel comfortable in the place that was home to the best four years of my life thus far.

Luckily I didn't get to brood on that too long because we left for Lynchburg on Friday afternoon. The wedding, like I said, was gorgeous. Katy cried pretty much the whole time. Morgan and Chris just looked so deliriously happy. And in love. Yay! :)

My feet are still sore from dancing after the reception. Oddly, Tuck, who I've known since freshman year but have never been really good friends with, danced with me a few times, asked for my number and put it in his phone right there, then bought me a drink. He was pretty drunk, but kept saying he had to call me. So we'll see if about that. Not that anything will come of it, as he lives in Virginia, but still. :)

I'm really exhausted from this weekend and I have yet another busy week ahead of me. It's kind of hard to enjoy the holiday season when you don't have time! I'm going to go wrap some presents now.
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