
Dec 14, 2004 22:52

Good lord, for not having much to do at work this has been one hell of a busy week or two. Monday evening was the first night I had nothing going on since... umm... god, I can't even remember. Over a week, at least. Not last Thursday but the one before, maybe? Suffice to say, I've been busy.

This weekend I'm going to Virginia for Morgan's wedding. I can't believe one of my best friends is getting MARRIED. It's crazy! But I am SO EXCITED to be going back to Roanoke and seeing her and Katy and Kelsey and all the rest. Not to mention the folks who will be at the wedding. I'm hoping there's no problem getting the wedding gift on the plane.

I have this phrase in my head, "failed tears for a virgin birth." I like it, but I don't know what to do with it. Too bad I'm the suckiest poet who ever sucked. Don't nobody steal it from me now.

It's been snowing the past few days, big fat flakes like in a snowglobe. It's been gorgeous. It's made me feel Christmassy, even though I *still* haven't seen the Hershey Kiss commercial on TV. (Although I can watch it online now, thanks to a certain special someone.) This could be because I haven't watched TV in awhile.

Lost is a repeat tomorrow! FNNAAAR! Which I guess is okay because my parents are watching the kids and it's hard to concentrate on the goings-on of hot guys a group of people stranded on a deserted island. Last week I almost had an aneurysm when I thought Charlie was dead and saw the scariest scene ever on television, ever. But boy was he sexy afterwards. Traumatized to the point of catatonia, but sexy.

That's all I got for today, folks. Happy 21st Birthday to Shell and a belated Happy Birthday to Lacy! (I hope you got my phone call the other night!)
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