are you connected to mountaintop removal?

Oct 30, 2008 15:16 has this cool tool that lets you see how your electricity use is related to mountaintop removal. Enter in your zip code to find out if your utility company gets its power from MTR coal, and even see which mines it comes from. Being in Kentucky, of course my coal from MTR. All the more reason to have my electronics plugged into power strips and to wear a heavier sweatshirt. Also, because my electricity bill is going to be huge this winter anyway.

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The Google map on the site doesn't seem to be working, but the Google Earth part is. You can zoom into the mines (some of them have videos and stories). It's a little addicting. I love Google Earth, even if it is kind of stalky.

As depressing as it is, both Obama and McCain have said they oppose MTR, so hopefully something good will happen for Appalachia in the near future.

political, mtr

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