(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 06:16

Let's see how much of the last week and a half I can get through in one post. Don't worry, I'll cut it in the appropriate places.

First, let me tell you a sad but funny story I saw on the news. There's a particular species of monkey that lives in Japan. The monkeys are not necessarily the friendliest, but people like to go feed them anyway. When you go to the feeding areas, you MUST keep the food with you in these cages, from inside of which you are able to feed them. If you don't, they *will* assault you outside. Anyway, most of the time, the monkeys stay out of heavily populated areas, although there are exceptions that we hear about a lot, but if you, say, have one in your backyard, it's not too difficult to scare them away. However, there have recently been quite a few issues in one town in particular with the monkeys being extremely violent towards people, animals, and buildings. All of the attacks caught on video have showed that the monkeys have much redder faces than normal. Apparently, a lot of them are having allergy problems because it's the start of spring, and it's making them cranky and, thus, lash out against anyone/thing that gets in their way.

So, nixing the original point of this entry because I have to go to dinner now...though it's almost 9:30. I like spring break ^_^
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