puttin' the whale in the water

Mar 10, 2008 16:55

So to replace Seymour, god rest his soul, my co-workers gave me this sponge whale that's supposed to grow 64 times its original size when placed in water. So far, after four hours, it's not growing.

I emailed Tech:

>> Putting the whale in the water. You can come watch if you want. (...aaaand my favorite new euphemism is born).

Later on, I email Tech again:

>> The whale is defective. He's not growing.

Tech replies:

>> Maybe you're not rubbing it the right way.

Then CiCi made me laugh with this random observation:

"Ewww, if Hillary becomes president she'll have to sit at the same desk where Bill got a blowjob. I'd definitely rearrange THAT furniture and clean the carpets."

So the update on Tech is that he is still wonderful, still adorable, and slowly meeting more of my friends. We've moved into the next phase of our relationship where you stop having (TMI) sex five times a day (/TMI) and actually y'know, leave the house, and we're finally at the point where we get to have little tiffs and snip at each other just so we can kiss madly to make up. It's cute. :) AND! I met his parents. I know, right? MET THE PARENTS. Actually, twice now, since I went over there again for dinner this weekend. I don't know, y'all, this might be love. (Actually, it really IS love, and it's way less scary than I ever anticipated.)
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