Tech Crush Continues

Feb 04, 2008 12:45

Jeez, okay, I admit it -- another month has passed since I last posted, and it's all because OMG TECH IS AMAZING. It's been barely two months and we're still in that stage where you want to spend all your time together and the weekends can't get here fast enough and I still get all fluttery when I see him, etcetc, and all that other disgusting crap. Um, it's wonderful. *beams*

I sort of want to like, dance with unicorns and throw rose petals everywhere while little birds tweet and braid my hair. Tech continues to amaze me, and teach me how to be in a relationship, and we're getting through this whole "wow, we're really dating after all this time" thing fairly smoothly. I look back on Sam the Cop, and Captain aka Subway Guy and what Tech makes me realize is that oh hey, THIS is what dating and being genuinely interested in each other is all about.

So I want to tell you the story of when Tech and I went to the symphony this past Saturday night.

In the ongoing quest to get to know each other better, because well -- we're very different people, Tech went with me to the symphony on Saturday night; his first time attending, which was fun -- I was able to introduce him to my world and he really wound up getting into it and enjoying the music. He asked lots of questions and wanted to learn about everything that was going on and funnily enough he liked the Corigliano more than the Berlioz, which was surprising to me since the Corigliano is so modern. Also, OH, GOD, Corigliano was there in the audience and I about spazzed out when he stood up. Anyway, Tech seemed to be enjoying himself, and besides I'd already promised him a good "after party" if you know what I mean, so he kept squeezing my hand and smiling at me all night... actually, not that he doesn't do that all the time, but I digress...

During intermission we walked out into the lobby and Tech tells me he needs to get some water. I turn to walk toward the refreshment area when suddenly right there in front of me, RIGHT THERE, not TWO FEET AWAY, was .. wait for it...


...and I got all discombobulated because I haven't seen him since that atrocious email and I got all torn because I wanted him to see me so I could then snub him, but I didn't want him to see me because I just ... what was I to do then??

I grab Tech's hand and start, like, dragging the poor guy through the lobby and he's all, "What is going on?" And I start giggling inappropriately and gasp out, "oh my god, oh my god, Subway Guy is here, he's HERE, he's ---" and then he was RIGHT THERE AGAIN, in front of us, and I jerk on Tech's hand and point out Subway Guy.

And, oh gahd, y'all. Tech looks at him and says blankly, "uh, with the beard?" and I'm like "YES." and then Tech turns to me with this incredulous look, eyes wide, and in all sincerity asks, "what the hell were you thinking"?

We both started laughing, then we got his water, walked outside to collect ourselves and then went back inside, whereupon Tech proceeded to pull me to him and plant one right on my lips, like "you are mine". (I kinda liked it. Oh hell, I LOVED IT).

Alright, so anyway, there is more to this story... I KNOW. Just bear with me.

Cut to the end of the program, we're loitering in the lobby trying to decide if we want to go upstairs for the jazz trio or leave and go to our little restaurant around the corner from my house. As we're standing there in the nearly deserted lobby, who but should WALK TOWARD US AGAIN, (all BY HIMSELF) but Captain. So at that point, Tech was like, "AGAIN?" and Captain walked right by us and there is NO WAY he didn't see us. Tech and I decided to just leave, because it was too crowded upstairs and we wanted a drink.

We took a car home, to the restaurant we like to go to, and as we're about to walk in, who walks out?


Haha gotcha, you thought I was going to say Captain, right? Cause remember, Captain and I take the same train, right, and he lives only a block from our favorite restaurant.

The three of us (me, Tech, SK) decide to end the night with a drink together and spend a nice little time at the back of the restaurant talking and laughing and drinking. When we got up to leave, we walked through the restaurant, told the owners goodbye, and as I approach the bar, OH MY GAHD CAPTAIN WAS SITTING THERE AT THE BAR.

Swear. To. GOD.

At this point, I was like, fuck it, I just didn't even CARE if I made a scene, because jesus H, y'all. So I grab SK's sleeve and tell her it's Captain, loudly, with him less than two feet away from us, and we all start laughing and I tripped going out the door, and Tech is all, "What the fuck is UP with this guy tonight??" and then SK confirms that yes indeed, Captain was looking out the window at us, and of course TOTALLY saw me, and saw Tech, and saw SK, and you know ---

He was by himself. Sitting at the bar. After going to the symphony alone. I turned to SK and Tech and said, "It's so pathetic that I almost feel sorry for him."

When we got home I said, rather randomly, "Anyway, Tech is way cuter than Captain," and Tech goes, "jesus, we're back to him again?" and SK summed it all up by stating,

"I think what she means, Tech, is that YOU WIN."

And yeah, he does. Tech wins it all.
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