bonus points for real speak!

Nov 05, 2007 10:11

OHMIGAHD. Smitten has NEVER FELT SO GOOD. Y'all, he texts in REAL SPEAK. Not horrible TEXT SPEAK. BONUS POINTS LIKE WHOA. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Also, I'm talking about Subway Guy, in case you had any question.

I didn't really expect him to call on Saturday, because -- well. He's a guy. I figured he'd wait until 9:00 on Sunday night and then try to sneak in a quick "on my way to bed, winding down, can only chat for a few seconds" call and that would be that. But no! Y'all, he did not call me. I was sort of disappointed. I might have moaned that outloud a *cough*couple of times*cough*. "SK, I am sooooo disappointed in Subway Guy!"

This morning I told SK how glad I was that I didn't have to leave early to get to the station. She laughed, and airquoted, "yeah, HAVE TO." I mean, I'll go to some lengths to get what I want but lord, even I have limits. Getting up early for an entire week stretched the limit as far as it wanted to go.

I came into work and my two office mates were all, "did he call did he call?" "NO!" I said, and started unpacking my bag and getting settled.

Then something just sort of grabbed me and I felt compelled to look at my phone and EEEE THERE WAS A TEXT MESSAGE FROM SUBWAY GUY!! And it was SWEET, and it was in REAL SPEAK, and he said he was sorry he didn't call but that he emailed me last night. So of course then I run to turn on the computer and check my email and Y'ALL OH LORD, it was a LONG email and has like, SEVERAL different options for when he's free to go out this weekend, and he talked a bit about his weekend and what he did, and *SMITTED OUT THE WAZOO*.

Alright, let me breathe for a moment. I might have just danced around my office, but I'll deny it under oath.

It's sort of sad that the best thing about all this is that HI HE DOES NOT USE TEXT SPEAK. It was Cesperanza that had that poll the other day about ways we communicate, and I answered that I don't like texting because I'm so SLOW at it because I refuse to RITE HOW R U 2DAY. *shudders* Ugh.

Um, alright, so I am going out with Subway Guy at some point this weekend; one of his suggestions was on Sunday afternoon between 2:00 and 7:00, and I'm going to jump on that to go to the Botanic Gardens.


Okay, and here's the last part of his email, which y'all will get a kick out of:

I wish you a pleasant night. Perhaps I'll see you on the platform.

Best wishes,
[Subway Guy]

Yeah, darlin. PERHAPS YOU WON'T. *blessedly sleeps in*

Happy Monday, pumpkins.

pee-ess: Last night I got ten (10!!) out of the thirteen games correct for the football pool. I now lead in FIRST PLACE by three points over the next guy. Um. HI MATH ROCKS. I meant to talk about how I'd stopped randomly picking teams and actually begun looking up stats and scores and wins and losses and devised this whole quasi-algorithm/methodology about how I am picking the teams. It all makes sense in my head and clearly WORKS LIKE A CHARM. *wins*

subway guy, earning a livin'

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