maybe it's just broken

Oct 09, 2007 11:54

No email yet from Subway Guy. I'm starting to wonder if I've read all the signs wrong, or somehow missed that he's gay, or that he just really likes meeting new people from the neighborhood. Maybe he has an arm twitch that causes him to involuntarily wave at people.

But I shall hold out hope that he simply missed a vowel in the address, and that I am going to run into him and he's going to be bereft and tell me, with huge puppy dog eyes, that his gajillion emails to me have all bounced back and to have pity on him and go out with him this weekend. And I totally did not get to the train station early this morning (because, as he said, he's been going into work early, which is why we hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks) and I absolutely did not let three trains pass just so I could try and wait to see him. *coughs delicately into hand* I'll give this another week or so before I abandon the idea completely, but lord, don't give a girl a carrot unless you're ready for her to chomp! Or...something.


We have this football pool at work. It was way more money to get in than I wanted to spend, so I passed at playing. Also, I know less than nothing about football. But then the president of the company was out of the office and his assistant came to me and was like, here, pick his teams. So I did. It was only after I had circled them at random that I realized the bolded teams were home teams, and one column was "favorites", and I was *sweatdrop* because I chose for the president of the company, but guess what! I came in fourth! Cool, I said. I thought it was all over but then, no, they were like, uh, this goes on for the whole season, and then the following week I had to pick his teams again, and I did even better. And y'all, you should know that I'm circling these teams at random. I pick southern teams cause I like their names, or I'll choose a team whose name has cool alliteration, and last week I wanted an even number circled in both columns so I zigzagged my way down the list.

So now the issue is that I have to choose his teams permanently and worse, I'm getting all into it, and I was anxious to come to the office this morning and find out how I did this weekend.

Y'all, I am in second place. It's me and twenty-odd guys in this thing and I think they're starting to get peeved. "You want to know my strategy, don't you," I teased this morning.


subway guy, earning a livin'

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