the tidbits

Jun 27, 2006 21:50

Something Heard
I never thought I'd have to say to someone:

Please don't start a fan website about a porn star.

Oh, the things fandom does to you.... *eyes slodwick*

Something Seen
Today on the train I saw a guy reading Throne of Jade and was >thisclose< to talking to him about it, but restrained myself so as not to frighten him with Temeraire babbling.

Something Upcoming

As y'all might know, NoseS is leaving the company; her last day is Friday. I fear the empty abandoned pages of this journal without her illuminating reparte. In honor of her years of service, starting tomorrow I am going to unlock the first few NoseS delights and post them again, for public viewing. It all started with her getting her nose cauterized, which just about led me to madness. Due to concerns about privacy I had initially posted several entries under tight f-lock, but of course as time passed, NoseS proved to be too wonderful to keep under wraps. Look for daily installments that will culminate in a fond farewell on Friday.

And just this morning:

CC, whispering to me: We're going to take her to dinner on Wednesday night, but she's being a pain about it and I don't know if she'll show up.

NoseS yells from behind the partition: YOU KNOW I CAN HEAR YOU.

CC, yelling back: GOOD, maybe I can shame you into coming!

NoseS sticks her head around the cubicle, clucking. "Oh honey, I left shame a long time ago. I left shame before I left my husband."

earning a livin', noses

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