I return!

Jun 25, 2006 20:33

Oh-Em-Eff-Gee, y'all. God bless NYC for being 20 degrees cooler than where I've been all week. Okay so I'm back, clicking through the f-list; if you've got something special you posted this week that can't be missed link it here otherwise I'm liable to just skim right on past it. I know I'll never get through all the posts I missed but there's this compulsion to do it anyway, to sit here for the next five hours and read the last seven days of entries. You know what I mean. Sadly, I have to force myself to go unpack at some point.

Enough rambling. Laws amosey, it was SO EFFING HOT down South. This cannot be stressed enough. The first thing I did when I came in tonight from the airport was strip down and open all the windows to let the cool breeze in. Oh, so some highlights of my vacation: I had bizarre dreams about people on LJ and also a dream about having a baby with a nose ring, whom I carried around from door to door showing off, in search of a toilet. While waiting for a ferry this week, I saw a guy riding a bike down the road with a fishing pole in one hand and a half dozen catfish swinging from each handlebar. That was not a dream. As a bonus, I finally experienced beignets. Now, I have lived.
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