Big Sing

Jun 12, 2007 19:43

Today I went to the city with the rest of Small Special Choir Bellisimo, and we competed in the Big Sing.


Well, first of all, Dani was sick, so that was us down a Soprano. i particularly like the way Lauren-Jackie (not sure what she's calling herself at the moment) put it: "OHMIGOD DANI'S SICK WE'RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!1!!!!1ONE!!!

Needless to say, we all made it home in one piece.

Then I rode to the city in the car that had Karen in it. Note to self: never ride in the same vehicle as a Japanese teenager adolescent on sugar and Throaties. Baaaaaaaaad things happen. Oh, and I left my phone in the car, so I kinda panicked for the rest of the day.

So we sang, and... it kinda echoed. Oh, and we were liek the smallest choir there. And I saw Chris Waterman from St Johns and he didn't recognise me, and Rosmini pulled out of the contest, and I saw Jarrod and Jareth from CCMT and...


There were dudes there in KILTS!!!

Oh, and, good luck for tomorrow,
electrumqueen, even though my choir pwns your choir.

good times, school: wgp, special choir, big sing '07

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