Settling In

Aug 22, 2010 21:32

Finally sort of feeling settled in. Got paid on Friday! Of course the urge was to spend it all, but I kept myself in check...for the most part anyway. There's some spending that I have to do for the apartment; my fan broke on Friday and I don't have a microwave. My bills are also starting to come in, so this will be an experimentation month until I figure out what my approximate monthly expenses will be and exactly how much money I'll have to play with.

I know I'm getting over the initial shock of being here since now the nagging questions about using this experience to further my actual career are starting to surface in my head. The original goal was to take JLPT N2 and get a job job. I've definitely got a long way to go. Currently looking for textbooks, etc. Unless I abandon my social life and computer, I probably won't be ready for the December test, so here's looking at the July one of next year.

The actual job is fast approaching and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Having not worked since April I guess I've gotten sort of used to it.

Travelwise, Korea's a go. Me and 3 of the other girls will be going for a weekend in September. I'm trying to figure out how to take all my vacation and whether I'll be able to go to all the places I want to. 2 years is probably ideal, though I'm not sure if I want to spend those 2 years in a non-city. Didn't realize it, but NYC has definitely shaped me.


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