just one of those things

Oct 14, 2011 23:16

My household has recently had a financial set back, which means that our income for the next few months is going to be decreased and we're going to have to make some cut backs. Unfortunately, one of them is looking like its going to be cable/internet, as technically neither one is necessary. Of course I have my own opinions on that, but you know, that's just how life is. I mean, I guess this will mean less distractions for NaNoWri right?

Nothings been decided for sure, but right now I really don't know. I think I should have internet until November, possibly longer, and I should be able to give better warning closer to the time when we'll give it up, but I'm really not sure. This whole thing wasn't exactly expected.

But I just wanted everyone to know what was going on in case of sudden radio silence. I promise I'm not just suddenly ignoring everyone or anything like that.

rain rain go away, real life, i need a mood for headache, the internet is a beautiful thing, my beautiful f-list, seriously go away rain

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