Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.

Oct 08, 2011 00:07

I went to the dentist yesterday, more fillings yay. It took two freaking hours and my jaw still hurts a day and a half later. Seriously anything that's not pudding hurts when I eat it because it forces me to chew. And I ate the last pudding earlier. As if I didn't already dislike going to the dentist. This does not make me like you more people! IT DOES NOT!

On another note, while high on laughing gas, I decided that the drill sounded like an italian man trying to get his mother to listen to him. Makes me laugh now more than it did while on the gas. Seriously, my brain doesn't even make sense to me.

And stolen from Audi because I am avoiding doing other things, a meme.


Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character with the best smile:
Character I'd most want to kiss:
Character I'd most likely fuck:
Character I'd make lunch for:
Character I'd go singing in the rain with:
Character I'd go shopping with:
Character I'd go dancing with:
Character I'd take over the world with:
Character I most want to see more of:
Favorite pairing:

Or fandoms. My procrastination I'm sure will not end anytime tonight.

avoiding other things, cowboy!dean, procrastinating, big boss grill, and i want a pony...., meme, jumping aroundpie!, crackiness, i hate anybody in a white labcoat, don't ask me

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