Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.

Oct 08, 2011 00:07

I went to the dentist yesterday, more fillings yay. It took two freaking hours and my jaw still hurts a day and a half later. Seriously anything that's not pudding hurts when I eat it because it forces me to chew. And I ate the last pudding earlier. As if I didn't already dislike going to the dentist. This does not make me like you more people! IT ( Read more... )

avoiding other things, cowboy!dean, procrastinating, big boss grill, and i want a pony...., meme, jumping aroundpie!, crackiness, i hate anybody in a white labcoat, don't ask me

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lynzie914 October 9 2011, 03:24:01 UTC
LOL, as long as we end up with large amounts of Dean gifs, we're both happy. XD I should probably have a list somewhere, a lot of them are on my profile but not all of them.

Buffy!Verse, I can do that. XD

Favorite character: Cordelia
Least favorite character: Kennedy from S7. I didn't hate her, I just didn't really like her either.
Character with the best hair: Buffy, she always had awesome hair no matter what the situation.
Character with the best eyes: Gunn
Character with the best smile: Cordelia or Angel.
Character I'd most want to kiss: Giles. I secretly have a thing for Giles.
Character I'd most likely fuck: Angel. Or S4!Wesley. All those Wesley/Lilah scenes sold me on the sexy.
Character I'd make lunch for: Xander
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Lorne. There would also be dancing.
Character I'd go shopping with: Cordie and Fred, make a girls day out.
Character I'd go dancing with: Anya. We would do the money dance. XD
Character I'd take over the world with: Willow, we would totally win.
Character I most want to see more of: Lindsay, but that's probably just my love of Christian Kane talking.
Favorite pairing: Cordelia/Angel, hands down.


chleansmile October 9 2011, 07:19:53 UTC
Haha, Dean gif spammage can make a lot of people happy. ;) *Speaks from personal experience* :P

Eeeep! I love all your answers! I think I'll tag along with your girls day out and the dancing. :) Christian Kane is AWESOME! So glad we get lots of him on Leverage. If nobody else has already asked you can do that too!!


lynzie914 October 13 2011, 02:46:49 UTC
As it should. Dean should always make everyone happy. XD

LOL, your totally invited for both. XD CK is completely awesome! I didn't know you liked him. But yes, I love that we get so much of him on Leverage. And so much awesomeness as well, I love Eliot.

And I can totally do Leverage.

Favorite character: Eliot, if you can't tell from my earlier response. Parker is a very close second for me.
Least favorite character: Ummmm....the bad guys? Idk, I love most of the characters on here.
Character with the best hair: Parker and her gorgous shiny hair. Followed by Eliot and his awesome hair.
Character with the best eyes: Sophie
Character with the best smile: Hardison. I love his smile.
Character I'd most want to kiss: Hardison? He has his adorable moments. XD
Character I'd most likely fuck: Eliot. Not even a question.
Character I'd make lunch for: Nate. He needs more than alcohol in his system. We never see him eat on the show.
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Parker
Character I'd go shopping with: Sophie. We would buy so many shoes.
Character I'd go dancing with: Eliot. I just know he would be awesome at it. Or well, in my head he is.
Character I'd take over the world with: Sterling. He's played by Mark Sheppard, so I know I'd win. XD
Character I most want to see more of: Tara. It took me a little bit to warm up to her, but after I did I loved her. They need to bring her back already.
Favorite pairing: Eliot/Parker. It will never happen on the show, so of course, I ship it. LOL.


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