If she asks you any questions about the deal, nod your head and look pretty.

Sep 28, 2011 20:48

Just saw that one of my landcomms was completely deleted at some point. I knew that it had been a while since a new challenge had been posted, but I had no idea that it had actually been deleted. Probably not a bad thing in the grand scheme of things, I don't need four landcomms, but still I feel like I should have known this. Sometimes I'm more ( Read more... )

in need of caffiene, i miss suits, procrastinating, talk like this, pointless post is pointless, randomness, something shiny!, i need a mood for headache, don't ask me

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Comments 26

bella8876 September 29 2011, 01:39:13 UTC
Your icon combined with the "I miss Suits" tag was enough to kick start my muse apparently, and the second I saw it a story started to form in my head. So because you've got a migraine and because I promised you a Chloe/Tony story like 11 years ago and have yet to deliver and because I forgot your birthday - you should be on the lookout for a short Suits/Smallville crossover drabble later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Preview: The blonde in Harvey's office was certainly not on his schedule but it's not like he could complain - you didn't say no to Chloe Queen - especially when she was asking you to help change the world.


lynzie914 September 29 2011, 01:51:15 UTC
Dude, you may be the most awesome person ever. Seriously I thought it was just me and my need to insert Chloe into all my favorite fandoms, that even thought of the possibility of Smallville/Suits. Hee. And even just the preview makes me happy. I shall have to randomly tag things to match my icon more often if this is the result, LOL. :D

Seriously though, most awesome person ever. I can't wait to read it when you're done!


bella8876 September 29 2011, 01:58:12 UTC
I insert Chloe into everything too, that's just how awesome her character is. I think I associate you with Chloe so when I saw you and Suits I was like "How to fit Chloe in that show..." and it just came out.

I'm actually really excited about this, but a bit nervous about getting Harvey's voice right.


lynzie914 September 29 2011, 02:17:15 UTC
I'm glad its not just me, LOL. And it's totally because of how awesome her character is. She just works so well in lots of different fandoms. I got to say, it makes me happier than it probably should to have me assocaited with her, LOL, but I mean if it makes things like this happen, then I think its totally justified. XD

Don't be nervous, you always do an awesome job with character voices in your stories. (Which isn't always easy when your crossing fandoms.) I'm sure it's going to be great!


svgurl September 29 2011, 01:55:52 UTC
Your ICON! How did I not know that you watch Suits too? I'm only halfway through with the episodes but I'm completely addicted to that show now. :D

That sucks about the landcomm being deleted. You would think that the mods would make sure that all the members would be informed.

*hugs* I'm sorry about the migraines. I hope you're feeling better now! Out of curiosity, what did you sign up for?

Maybe I should ban myself from the internet when I'm sick.
I need to ban myself from signing up for things. I always end up way over my head, lol.


lynzie914 September 29 2011, 02:07:17 UTC
I didn't know you watched it either! Clearly we need to discuss these things more, LOL. But yes, it is a very addicting and awesome show. You'll only love it more as you get further along. Or that's how it worked for me anyways. :D

That's what I thought too. It wasn't a landcomm I was terribly attached too, but still I thought there would be some sort of warning or notification. Now I'm just curious about how long its been gone for without me noticing, LOL.

*hugs back* Thank you, its better now than it was earlier in the day. I count that as progress. There's a comm for writing (original and fanfic) in October, it has you writng ten fics of at least 1k and then a halloween fic at the end of the month that's at least 6k (I think). Its just for fun, but I thought I could use something to push me write. Idk if I'll actually have time for it, but I liked the idea of it.

I need to ban myself from signing up for things. I always end up way over my head, lol.LOL, this is me too. I can always talk myself into signing up for things and ( ... )


svgurl September 29 2011, 02:36:23 UTC
Yes, I think so. I saw episodes 1-6 so I still have a while to go and I really do love it with every new episode. I told my parents that Harvey Specter is my idol. He is. The whole cast is great though. :D

That's good about the progress. Hopefully you're back to 100% soon. And that comm sounds really interesting. I like the idea too. Good luck with it!

At least we aren't alone. LOL.
Exactly. We have each other. XD


lynzie914 September 29 2011, 03:19:53 UTC
Yep, its one of those shows that's already awesome but makes you love it more and more as you go. And LOL, Harvey would make an awesome idol. He really would. But yeah, I pretty much love the whole cast. They all make up the awesomeness.

Thanks. I hope so too, LOL. If you're interested (not to give you something else to possibly sign up for), its octoberwriting. Thank you! I'm just hoping I have the time for it right now. :D

Its always nice to have someone else in the same boat. Even if its sinking because of the amount of things we signed up for, LOL.


sourpony September 29 2011, 02:55:08 UTC
I think it JUST got deleted. Although the only reason I know is someone posted today on about it being deleted and wondering what's up. I knew it died off about the same time that the mod went off to college but didn't realize

Yeah, three is plenty for me because I still fall behind. I don't remember how I handle 9-12 at one time on top of modding.

What'd you sign up for now? Or should I not ask so I have hope of not signing up too. I JUST finished my two big bang arts that were due this week.

... )


lynzie914 September 29 2011, 03:28:43 UTC
Well at least I have that. I knew it was pretty much dead at the moment (though I did not realize that was why) but then I was looking for a different comm on my profile today because I can never remember names, and it and all its side comms were gone. It was a suprise.

LOL, me too. I'm always behind on something. Always. And then I sign up for things beside landcomms and that just doens't help.

IDK if you should or not but I'm gonna answer anyways. octoberwriting. Your supposed to write ten 1k fics and then a 6k halloween fic throughout october. You can do it all at once or spread throughout. I thought it sounded like fun and was good to possibly prepare me for Nano, which I'll hopefully be doing in Novemeber.

But yay for completing art! You finished it and that's what counts, not when you finished it. I don't say this cuz I'm doing art for a big bang that I've only collected screencaps for so far. I need links when it goes up. :D

... )


sourpony September 29 2011, 04:16:26 UTC
Yeah I don't think she's said anything to anyone about it or why she deleted it, which sucks but it was lacking for awhile now. I think it may have been better to pass it over vs. delete but that's just my personal opinion. Who knows what I would do with LL if I was done with modding it.

I hit a real stride catching up on CWland with all my stuff there but with the big bang stuff and an icon battle I just kind of got overwhelmed so I'm glad for a reprieve, then I'll get bored and do something rash.

I love halloween and a chance to write halloween fics? eeeep. NANO shit, I really need to find a plot, I have this one ideas that involves reapers but I don't know if it's enough.

Well the Vampire Diaries stuff I'll be posting myself so I'll poke you about that but the het_bigbang will be on that website whenever they get it all together. Either way I'll be poking you :P

... )


lynzie914 September 29 2011, 04:34:56 UTC
Yeah, I would like to think that I would pass it over if anyone was interested and not delete it entirely, but I can't say I know what I'd actually do in the situation. I guess its over and done with, no way to change it now ( ... )


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