Just saw that one of my landcomms was completely deleted at some point. I knew that it had been a while since a new challenge had been posted, but I had no idea that it had actually been deleted. Probably not a bad thing in the grand scheme of things, I don't need four landcomms, but still I feel like I should have known this. Sometimes I'm more
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I envy you, I'm so behind. On everything. September was too busy. Idek what I did to make it so busy, but it was. Overwhelmed is never good, but I totally understand the feeling. A reprieve is good and then when you get bored maybe I can talk you into something, LOL.
Halloween is awesome. I love it too. And yes, I'm excited for that story. No idea what's going to happen for it, but yeah, excited. LOL, I'm sorry to be the one to remind you. It was actually Nano that made me sign up for this. I found it a while ago and then hunted it down again after looking in the plot adoption thread, trying to steal ideas, LOL.
Oooooh reapers. LOL, that's apparently enough to get me intrigued because I said that out loud. I'm sure its an awesome idea. Its an Audi idea. :P And if it needs to be longer just add zombies. That's what everyone says and here it could legitamently work.
Yes, yes! Poke away, I want to seeeeee! What pairing did you end up doing for the TVD one? *iz nosy and always curious*
Everything I signed up for ages ago came back to bite me in the butt this weekend so I had to rush to finish but then once I did then I realized I hadn't signed up for anything for October hence bored and signing up for the writing thing. HALLOWEEN STORIES IS LIKE EASY AND FUN. and awesome.
I have a couple different ways to go about my reapers plot if I do decide to use it but I don't know if they'd work or how good it would be. One is she's born into a family of reapers and it's just what they do alive and dead, sees ghosts, etc. and then you have bad guys trying to steal the souls that they are supposed to be reaping. The other is she sees a car crash and rescues the person, sees a reaper shadow, and finds out that her family is reapers BUT they don't become/see other reapers until they are about to die (thats' when they train etc.) so she's freaked cause she's like mid twenties. bad guy reapers stealing souls etc. but this one is girls are not normally reapers so there might be something there. Wow sorry to ramble at you, i'm bored ;D
Alaric/Katherine, I grabbed that story so fast and I'm really really REALLY proud of like it all that I made for it so I can't wait to share it. I'd share it now but I want you to suffer be surprised.
Oh, I've had those weekends. There's usually a lot of panicking on my part during those weekends. But you finished and that's what counts! And yay! I'm glad you were bored for october, LOL. We can poke each other into writing. I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING FOR THE HALLOWEEN STORY BUT YOU MAKE ME EXCITED TO GET TO IT. XD
I don't mind the rambling. I encourage it. Both your ideas are awesome. I love the idea of a family of reapers. That's a badass family, LOL. And the idea of the bad guys stealing the souls has me all intrigued. If you do go with one of these, I want to read it when its done!
That's an awesome pairing! But then I might be biased because I love both characters seperately and the idea of them together makes me happy. And wonder why I never thought of it before. LOL, fine. I'll suffer wait here patiently. I won't attempt to change your mind. Not at all. Won't try to bribe you or anything with Klaus!Alaric.
Not at all.
We could write with each other, word wars and such :) Or write together and tag each other? Like crossover shows into a big mess of Halloween goodness.
Also I talked about loving Halloween and it's my favorite time of year. Wish I had a job so I could decorate the shit out of my house with Halloween stuff. And trick or treating, had a good joke too but I forgot it now.
I haven't decided which to go with but I think the reaper family business would be a bit more original than the other one even though the knowing you might be about to die would put a different spin on the typical "You just found out you're a ______." story line.
Yes! Defenite word wars and the like. And idk how the whole tag thing would work, but you make it sound awesome too! LOL.
Halloween is defenitely awesome. And I just love fall. Fall wins over all other seasons. We never remember to decorate, LOL. We always plan to and then its halloween and we're like, wait when did this happen? LOL, I'm sure your joke was awesome and I would have laughed. :D
I like both ideas. They both have their own different spins.
Well for tag we'd write a collaborative story maybe picking a fandom each and crossing over? We'd have to pick two fandoms we both know and love and then like every 200 words we tag each other or 100 words and like a round robin thing but tag. We make one big story that we each write together. But yeah OCTOBER!
Understandable. I think I'll stick it out for a little while see what happens, but maybe I'll join you over at fandomverse at some point. XD Otherwise, we'll still have team HBIC.
OH! Okay, now that makes sense. LOL, sorry, you know I'm slow sometimes. Kind of like a collab story, but without specific characters assigned to people. That could defenitely be fun! Though idk if it would work for the challenge, we'd probably have to ask first.
LOL. Stripping gifs, always good gifs. XD
You get dancing Jensen, cuz he's cute when he does it.
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