Jul 24, 2011 02:59

So...I think I might have actually just finished my help_japan fic. I know, I'm shocked too considering how long its taken, LOL. But I was wondering if I could convince anyone on my lovely f-list to beta it for me.

I mainly just want someone to check my grammar (I'm horrible with grammar), if I missed any words or if anything just doesn't make sense. And to please tell me if the whole thing completely sucks in a nice way. I don't want to give her a fic that's horrible.

Its a Chlollie fic (A sequel to Stay), a little less than 7500 words, and super angsty. If you can help me out I'll love you forever. Seriously forever and ever.

Now though, I think I'm gonna go crash because I should already be asleep and I've been working on this for a while. Hopefully when I reread it tomorrow, it still makes sense. Fingers crossed.

i should be sleeping, and i want a pony...., excitement, my beautiful f-list, beta?, sleep? who needs sleep?, you know you want to, amazingness, holy crap!

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