*Insert something witty here*

Jul 18, 2011 21:40

Hey guys!

I'm back from out of town, having had a lot of fun, eaten too much food, and spent more money than I probably should have.  I got a lot done (my brides maid dress should finally fit me now, which is good cuz I'm gonna need it soon, LOL), ate some delicous pie (seriously all meal deals should come with pie!!!!), celebrated my friend's birthday, helped throw a brial shower and saw Harry Potter (How amazing was that movie? But also, how sad am I now, knowing its the last one?). So it was a good week for me. I'm still tired though. I need a nap now.

I'll be catching up on my LJ in the next few days, so I apologize for spamming anyone's inbox's. I know mine is way backed up at the moment. I'll also be attempting to catch up with landcomms. Someone please explain to me why 5 landcomms seemed like a good idea. (THREE of them are currently having big bangs!) Audi, I'm looking at you! And someone also please tell me that the two big bangs I signed up for, also seemed like a good idea. I have no one to look at this one for. Just myself. *glares at self*

easily made happy, cowboy!dean, in need of caffiene, rain rain go away, and i want a pony...., my beautiful f-list, don't judge me, randomness, have you seen my muse?, something shiny!, the internet is a beautiful thing, seriously go away rain, clark kent glasses

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