Title: Her Very Own Military Man
Fandom: Hawaii Five-O/Smallville
Pairing: Lois/Steve
Rating: PG
Word Count: 476
Disclaimer: Trust me when I say, I don’t own anything.
Summary: Lois gets to see a different softer side of him than most.
Author’s Note: Written for the
xoverland drabble challenge love state.
Lois rolled on her side, staring down at the sleeping man beside her. He looked cute as he slept on, not knowing he was being watched. Sometimes he’d scrunch up his nose or furrow his brow, making her laugh to herself. She was always careful to keep quiet when he was asleep, she had to be. His awoke at the slightest noise, the slightest movement. One of the first times she had spent the night, she had gotten up for a drink of water, barely seconds after she had gotten out of bed he had been awake, his hand going for his gun before he realized it was just her. He had apologized, blaming it on his SEALS training. She knew it was more than that but she didn’t push. Instead she had just laughed and told him not to worry about it.
“I know all about being around military men.”
And she did, having grown up with her father she was used to much of his behavior. Of course her father would hate the idea of her dating him. A navy man. The idea of her falling for someone in a different branch of the military would be a serious offence in his eyes. But she knew when the day came Steve finally met her father, he would hold his own. The first guy in her life not terrified of the General. She was looking forward to how he would react to that.
Steve stirred beside her, his eyes fluttering open and fixing in on her. His forehead furrowed again and she bit her cheek.
“Are you staring at me while I sleep?”
“Supposedly it’s romantic.”
“Are you sure it’s romantic, and not creepy?”
“Are you calling me creepy?” Lois asked raising an eyebrow.
“That depends. Why were you staring at me?”
“Because you make weird faces when you sleep. You do this thing where you scrunch up your nose, kind of like a bunny.”
“A bunny? A bunny?”
In one quick move he had her on her back, hovering over her his hands on her sides, and she let out of a shriek of laughter as he touched a very ticklish spot.
“Now what were you saying about how handsome I look while I sleep? Manly and rugged?”
She squirmed under him, trying to catch her breath as his hands attacked her. “Never said that, never will.”
“Really, because I think I can get you too.” He said grinning down at her.
“Trust me, you won’t.”
“Really, because I’m pretty sure I can.” He said swooping down, his lips brushing against her.
“In fact,” he said pulling back to look at her, “I think in a little bit you’ll be saying it loudly enough for the neighbors to hear.”
“Really?” Lois said smirking at him confidently, “Then show me what you got big boy.”