Almost Honest One-Shot (Chlean)

Apr 29, 2010 17:52

Title: Almost Honest
Fandom: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Rating: G
Genre: Angst.
Prompt: H is for Honest
Summary: Today won’t be the day he’ll tell her. Today won’t be the day he finds out she already knows. Set in an AU future.
A/N: This is the product of writer’s block and my inability to write anything but angst no matter how hard I try.

She can see it in his face, it’s all right there just waiting to spill out, for him to finally tell her everything. For him to just once be completely honest with her. But then it’s gone and she can see him shutting down again, walls coming back built up higher than before. Today won’t be the day he’ll tell her. Today won’t be the day he finds out she already knows.

“I wouldn’t go if wasn’t important, you know that right?”

“I know.”

She forces a smile and presses a kiss to his cheek, before she leaves the room. She’s tired of being kept in the dark. Tired of discovering the hero’s secret on her own and never being trusted enough to be told. Tired of pretending it doesn’t hurt.

He follows her into the room and together they gather what he’s left there. It’s not much, but it’s more then he has at his own apartment. She takes one of his t-shirts to keep with her and he smiles at her. Like he has every time they’ve done this before. This time feels different though. It feels more final and while she knows he’ll come back, he always does, she wonders what will happen when he does. She wonders if it will be her that will leave then.

“It’ll just be for a few days.” Dean says. His expression is off, as though he realized something is wrong he just doesn’t know what. “You know I can’t leave the garage for that long. I don’t trust Jerry that much.”

“I know.”

“You know I can’t stay away from you for too long either.” He comes to stand in front of her and he’s wearing that boyish grin that made her notice him and it hurts to see.

“Just be safe,” Chloe says, forcing another smile. “Don’t do anything stupid or dangerous.”

“Sammy and I are just helping our friend Bobby out, what do you think could happen?”

“I don’t know.” She says quietly, her hand resting on his chest, stroking the spot where she knew a scar to be. The problem was she knew all too well what could happen. She knew what dangers there were, that something could go horribly wrong and the last memory she would have of him would be this moment. And she wants it not to be tainted by lies, for him to be honest with her and tell her where he’s really going. She wants him to tell her the truth. To trust her. To believe in her like she believes in him.

He catches her hand in his own, forcing her to look up at him. “Chloe, what’s going on?”

“Nothing.” She tells him. “Tell Sam hi for me.”

His forehead crinkles as he realizes she’s not being honest but he doesn’t understand why, and she lets out a small laugh because it’s that or shout at him and she doesn’t want to do that.

“Go on,” She says with a smile, “I’ll be here when you get back. Whatever you’re after this time won’t wait around forever.”

“It’ll just be a few days; you’ll barely notice I’m gone.” He says.

“I’m sure I won’t.” She says. “Have fun with your brother.”

“I will.” He says with a grin. She can see the excitement in his eyes. The look of hero about to go do good and she’s glad for him because while she knows he’s happy with life, happy with her and the garage, she knows he was raised a hunter and this was what he was meant to do. She would never want to take that away from him. She just wishes that she could experience it with him. Wishes he would share it with her himself.

He kisses her forehead gently and then reaches for his bag. With a smile and a wave, he’s gone and she’s left staring at the closed door.

She sits down on the bed, hugging his stolen t-shirt to her chest. She’ll give him one more chance to be honest. One more chance to tell her. Because she can’t go on like this. Doesn’t want to have too.

fanfic, character: dean winchester, character: chloe sullivan, fandom: smallville/supernatural, fic: almost honest, one-shot, ship: chloe/dean

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