Jan 02, 2010 23:24
The only plan today was to go see Duke's band play in the evening. I had originally had planed to go out taking pictures with Karen but she ended up having an appointment around the time we would need to go. It turned out to be a good thing because I haven't been feeling too well and ended up bed ridden most of the day.
I read my book, Fire Ice by Clive Cussler, for a while but ended up sleeping most of that time. I finally got up and got ready around 3pm.
Grandma called around 4pm asking if we wanted to come over for dinner. I was ok with the kids and Bo going but I didn't know if I was going to feel too well to go. I just agreed thinking I would stay home if I didn't feel well enough.
Over the next couple hours I started to feel better as I figured I would. I figured most of my problem was from being in bed all day. Getting up and moving around helped me work that out a little. So at 6pm we headed over to grandmas for essentially leftovers from New Years Eve.
Around 8pm we headed back home. I had planned to pick up Chris to go to the bar around 8:30 so I wanted to get back and make sure I was ready. I ended up just sitting online for that half hour. *shrug*
At just after 8:30 I headed over to pick him up. I had called a head so he was outside waiting. When he got in the car I said "Good morning". :) I was still a little under the weather but thankfully not coughing as much and no headache.
We got to the bar around 8:45 and the band hadn't even started yet. They were still sound checking the equipment. Duke hadn't seen me yet so I just waited to see how long it would take. The singer saw us pretty quickly, but it wasn't until just before they started that Duke saw me. :)
As we walked in Chris asked me to pick a place to sit. I was still a little out of it so I wasn't making quick decisions and we just sat in the same booth we did last time we were there. Chris asked if I would help him with some of the beers for the night. I had planned on it anyway and didn't mind. He ordered his first beer for the night. I was trying to pick something for myself but couldn't remember what I might like to drink. I was drawing a complete blank. Chris suggested a Long Island so I started with that.
I brought out my iPod to try taking video of the band. It works pretty slick for the dark lighting of the bar and I got some good videos through out the night.
Around 9:30 I messaged Karen to see if she was still coming. She replied that she was on her way. I also asked what drink it was that she got last time that I liked and bought for myself. She replied with Kamikaze and so I ordered that next when the waitress came around.
Karen, Ingrid and Caleb showed up not too long after that. In fact it was just in time to hear one song before the bands first break. Duke came down to visit us briefly during his break. He introduced himself to everyone and actually remembered Chris from back in July when I took him to see Dukes band play in Rainer.
Duke talked about the gig helping him work off stress from the upcoming reviews and meetings that he knew would accompany the first of the year. He also said that there weren't many people there so they weren't taking it too seriously tonight, which was fine with me. I told him he should play one song over and over again like Dustin's dad did. :D
It wasn't long before someone spirited Duke off because they were having sound problems. Duke headed off and I went back to talking with Ingrid and Karen. I took Ingrid's cell phone again and took pictures here and there of things throughout the night. I also mixed it up with getting video on my iPod.
At some point an older gentleman recognized Ingrid and came over to the table to join us. He apparently was getting a little too close to Karen for her comfort and she was trying to get away from him at different points in the night. Ingrid had left somewhere around 11pm and the older guy had bought Karen a Jack and Coke. She didn't really want to drink it because she had to drive home. So when the guy walked off for a bit she had Chris quickly drink it for her. Hehe
Before Ingrid left she asked me if she had her phone. I said yes and after she walked out I pulled it out of my pocket and finished sending the pictures on it to myself. :D Karen wanted to leave about this time because the guy was annoying her and I had planned to give the phone to her so she could give it back to Ingrid. I was trying to send the pictures to myself quickly but Karen was eager to get going so I don't know that I got them all. I know I got the most important ones but I don't know that I got all the ones I wanted and I wasn't able to delete some of them. Oh well.
By this time in the night I had drank two more Kamikaze's and another Long Island. I was finding them kind of boring and wanted to try something else. Chris kept suggesting things with Whiskey in them. -_- Eventually he talked me into a Tequila Sunrise so I got one of those. It wasn't too bad. I also tried a Midori Sour before ending my consumption of alcohol for the night. The Midori was good but more like drinking candy. I don't really think I like that in a mixed drink.
While we were discussing good drinks I asked Chris if he had seen my post about Juniper and Cranberry. He whole-heartedly agreed with me that it would be good as long as it was mixed with a good cranberry juice and not a cocktail. I agreed about that. I told him that I was surprised how many people didn't like Gin. He said it was an acquired taste and I pointed out that I acquired it right away. Hehe. I was happy to finally get confirmation from someone that I wasn't off track with mixing Gin and Cranberry juice. :) I still haven't' tried it but I probably will at some point. :)
At some point in the night Chris also mentioned to me that he had tried the Boca burgers he picked up at the store the other day. He was surprised that they weren't as much vegetable as he had though they would be. He liked them even though it was mostly soy products but probably not for the price of $2.50 for 4 patties. I got to talking about how I would be a crappy vegetarian because I don't like many vegetables and how I still don't like much for meat. Chris was suggesting vegetables that I should try and told me that sometime he would have to make me fried ochre. I have never had it so I don't know if I like it or not. I also asked if he ever made it for himself the other day when he bought the items to make it. He said he hadn't because he didn't have any clean pans. I told him I would come over and help him with cleaning the dishes again in exchange for making the fried ochre. He liked that deal and I look forward to trying the ochre. :)
Karen had left around midnight. Chris and I stuck out the night until 1:30 am when the band officially stopped playing. I was feeling pretty good by then and not sick at all which I liked.
When the band stopped playing I went up to the bar to close out the tab. I was a bit worried that I had over done it but thankfully it hadn't come out to too much. Duke came up to thank us for sticking it out to the end and wish us a good night. I was happy to see him play again and told him that I liked the new guy they have playing lead guitar. He has a lot of energy, which was fun to watch. :)
Chris and I headed out after that. Chris smoked a cigarette before we got in the car and I was more than happy to wait it out since I didn't really want to head straight home. We both live so close to the bar that the drive home was nothing. When I stopped in front of his apartment he mused that he was sad that it would end anticlimactically with him going to bed. He said he felt like he wanted to start a fight but that usually ended up with someone in jail. I didn't know what to suggest so I just left it at that. I gave him a hug and he got out of the car. I watched until he got into his apartment and then headed home myself.
When I got home I found that Brandon was over staying the night. Apparently when Ingrid got home she argued with him about stupid and frivolous things and kicked him out of the house. I was more than fine with him staying at my place.
I talked with Bo and the kids a little before heading up to bed. I was feeling like I wanted to pass out and just wanted to get to bed. I managed a shower first anyway, but was asleep almost before I hit the pillows.
It was a fun night. I always enjoy hanging out with Chris and Ingrid was actually well behaved tonight so there was no taking the mic from the band or anything. Hehe. Karen was fun to hang out with too.
daily life