"One people, one struggle. Stay united, stand peaceful."

Jan 23, 2005 15:16

Well this weekend was supoose to be so busy for me, then this huge storm came and everything got cancelled. I had a tournament for volleyball near NYC, on sat, but it got cancelled bc they were suppose to get over 2 ft of snow. And since the tourny was 2 days long they had to cancell. But I was kinda glad it was cancelled bc leah couldnt come down with me, and i didnt feel like playing all day. Then today we were suppose to have ski club. But they cancelled it. which it was suppose to be really cold, but we could have had real snow this time. So i was kinda bummed. But I got my project done thats due tomorrow, so thats a plus, only took all day. Friday i went to see my cousins basketball game in mayfield, ohh yea mayfield. They lost, but then him and a bunch of his friends and me went out to eat at this one bar/resturant. That was fun. the food was good too. So much stuff has been happening. I'm too lazy to type it all. i went to like the last 7 days of school, and then tomorrow, so that'll make 8. I went to accupucnture, so that helped my head. I only have to go to school monday, then we get tuesday-friday off cuz of regents week. And since in have none, cuz i'm smart and took the ones i need last year, i dont need to take any until the end of school. Gotta love regents week. no school for me for 6 days, thats another vacation. I watched pirates of the careabean the other day, and it was soo good. I loved it. Everyone for so long thought i was crazy for not seeing it, then my friend let me borrow it, cuz she had it. I was like wow this is good.*random things* I got a gift certificate that won't work. The show that weekend was awesome, and i wish i talked to that hott kid. And the back to basics tour isnt coming close. the closed one is in Mass. which is 2 and a half hours away. I'm going to try to convince my brother to go, but after a concert, were always so tired, and he prolly won't wanna drive 2 and a half hours here, drop me off, and then go back to his apartment. It'll take him 3 and a half. This sucks. I wanna go so bad. I mean i've been a loyal fan to nfg for years and my brother years before that. I'll tear down anyone that talks bad about them. And everytime in 5 years that they came near here, we went, and they were some of the best concerts i've ever been too.It's not fair. We have to go. *sigh* :(. So think in a week and a half i'm going to go see 18 visions. Should be good. Bury your dead came, but i missed it. It was yesterday. No one but christina wanted to go. which sucks. And i missed the shw at redmans on friday. Jake said it was good. either justin's or skips band played, i forgot which one. and monday mourning. I guess they other ones weren't as good. I dont feel bad not going. I've seen them plently of times.

Ok so no one would take me down to Washington D.C. the 20th to protest. People are fucking kidding. Not knowing how important it was for me to be down there. The night before i was already to hitch hike my way down there. Then i stopped and actually thought about it, and go well i would prolly end up being rapped and murdered before i get down there. I would literally arrive in pieces. So i stopped. I never wanted to do anything so bad. It's just in my heart and my blood. The last time i went for a protest they didnt have it. That was in albany. And for years all i ever wanted to do was march on Washington for my reasons. And the thousands of people that were down there were just like me. Protesting the things I would. There were so many organizations down there too. They were down there for Mr.Bush's inauguation. Which theres proof in black and white that Kerry actually won both new mexico and ohio. So Kery got more votes and Kerry won. The reason why bush "won" was he and his "hired people" created major fraud with the counting of the votes. Even before the electon started he did things to make kerry start behide him. It's amazing more fucked up the election actually was when you dig deep and find the evidence. The majority of the people didnt want bush but we still have him. Protestors went down for that, the war and to show that america doesn't have bush's back like he doesn't have ours. They came in groups to show what was really right. They lines up on streets and all turned their back in silence as he went by. They held cardboard coffins for all the people that died in the war. Some groups chanted "not my president" as he went by. But My two personal favorites were the anarchiest group that burned the flags in fires as bush went by. "while some rose flags, we burned them." They rose black flags. The other group is of the 8 people, that while Mr.Bush was giving his speech, laid down in the middle of the road before him and a flower over themseles to symbolize the people he killed. He curupted more countires than ours and killed more people then what he would like to atmit. Funny how they show the carnage from the tsunami, but not the carnage bush created with his war. Which is a joke to him. Since we are not there to give them freedom. The truth came first hand from a man, John Perkins, the just released his book. It's living proof for decades what the US has been doing to curupt the whole world, which is why everyone hates us. It gives proof of why 911 happened, and it wasn't what everyone things. And it tells first hand about what we are really trying to do over in Iraq. Everythine Bush and the government says is a lie, which i knew for years and no one believed me. And now that it's really coming out, bc he stopped taking those bribes to not write the book, everyone can go fuck themselves because for so many years when i knew the truth and no one would believe me, you can all finally see i was right. This is fucked up, and I was the only one who ever knew it and said it. But still you made fun of me and didn't believe me. Now whos the fucker now. eat your words. I was right all along. John Perkins book is called the Confessions of an Economic hit Man. He tells first hand what he and the government did to fuck up other countries to gain money, why 911 happened and what were really doing in Iraq. What the big businesses are doing to the poor countries and what many presidents hjave did to cheat TRILLIONS of dollars out of poor countries. Its all true and it's all first hand. For years he tried to write the book to expose the truth, but big businesses bought him out for millions of dollars not to release the horrible things they did. But after 911 happened he knew it was directly related to what he and a few other people along with the government and CIA did. He had such guilt he finally wrote it and release it for the world to see. Next time you think the war is right, guess again, cuz its all a fucking game. And its deff. going on for reasons you couldn't guess. If you read the interveiw with him on democraynow.com you can get the insight of all this. It's amazing what theyre doing. I'm deff. getting this book. Everything is so fucked up when it comes to the government and the lies and secrets they keep. I'm finally glad that people can finally see the truth of something because of this book. Now you can read it and finally believe what i've said for so long. Here's to all the protesting days, the words i said and the things i wore, with many more to come. fuck you all, i was right.
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