NaruSakuSasu smut - NC-17

Sep 09, 2006 20:15

Edit: Title: Him-and-her-and-him

5,700 words. I called the length dead-on, :D.

I need a title, but I'm bad at them and I'm about to run off and start partying for the night (oh god NaruSakuSasu ATE MY HOMEWORK TIME.)

This is both the Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura drabble grown into a monster, and the fic I owe mad_and_crazy from the smut meme. It is also me Actually Writing My Naruto OT3 for the first time in over a year, :D.

Warning: more het than yaoi. The boyslash is there, but the boys/Sakura actually do more. And it's smut from a male POV, which I never do if I can avoid it, because well. It's so much easier to write female arousal. And no, I don't know when Naruto & Sakura will have time to have crazy sex in every possible position before rescuing Sasuke, so it's a bit AU in that respect.

He could feel Sasuke’s eyes watching them, even though his eyes were shut. (“It’s so unromantic if you keep your eyes open,” Sakura’d said once.

“And here I thought this was just fucking,” he’d said, pulling back with a grin. Her only reply was to whap him for calling it fucking, which he thought was more promising than not.)

Sasuke’s gaze burned into his hands as he slid them up under Sakura’s shirt and over her gorgeous tits. They caught on his mouth when he drew Sakura’s bottom lip between his teeth and pulled lightly. He wanted to say, HA, I know how Sakura likes to be kissed, and you, Sasuke, you do NOT. But then, that bastard had probably already learned how with his Sharingan eyes.

Naruto was pissed off about that for a good minute of closed-eye kissing, until he panicked. It would be just like Sasuke to not even be watching, much less memorizing. He better be thinking about kissing Sakura, Naruto thought.

He yanked back from the kiss, whipping his head around to glare at Sasuke. “You jackass - Oh, good. You are watching,” he said. He flashed him a grin, and got back to kissing the girl he loved.

Sakura mumbled something about “lack of boundaries” and “dysfunctional.” But then she shrugged. “What the hell.” Her hands clutched in his hair then. Her leg slid up his to curve just below his ass. He let his hand fall and cup beneath the curve of her thigh. It probably looked really pretty, he thought. Sasuke better be enjoying the view.

Sakura brushed her groin up against his, softly, and then next he knew, she’d pushed him down. They were sprawling on the grass, leaves in his hair, her leg hooked over his waist still. And Sakura was giggling, and looking shyly up at Sasuke. Her face went prettily pink, nearly the same shade as her hair.

She never does that for me, Naruto thought, scowling.

But then, she’d never shoved Sasuke down into the dirt and rode him. Fair’s fair, he figured, crossing his arms behind his head and grinning up at Sasuke.

“You know you want to watch us fuck,” he said, husky.

To his delight, Sasuke squirmed.

Sakura, still looking up at Sasuke, wiggled her hips a little. She bent, belly flush to his, and kissed to his ear. “Did you see that?” she whispered, so excited she hadn’t noticed that he’d said fuck, and not anything nice. Sorry, Sakura. Having sex just doesn’t sound as hot as fucking. Her breath touched his lobe and got under his skin. “Did you?”

On the other hand, he’d call it making love in a heartbeat if it wouldn’t weird her out.

“Yup, saw it all right,” he said, not bothering to whisper. “The bastard wants to see my cock sliding into that beautiful pussy of yours. It’s a very good pussy, Sasuke. The curtains match the drapes if you catch my - Sakura! I was giving you a compliment!”

Sasuke raised his eyebrows. He said, coolly, “There are so many things wrong with you two.”

Naruto just kept grinning. Oh, sure, Sasuke was good at being cold, but a squirm was a squirm. He reached for the hem of Sakura’s shirt and tugged on it, showing a thin flash of Sakura’s pretty soft skin. “Can I take it off, Sakura-chan?” he said.

She looked thoughtful.

“Please? I bet Sasuke would love to look at your tits.”

She leaned back over to his ear. Paused to bite his earlobe lightly. Damn, he loved when she did that. “I want-” she paused, shivered deliciously. “I want to make it so he can’t think enough to be cold. He wants something. He wouldn’t still be standing there if he didn’t. So I want him to say it. Beg for it.”

Her eyes were brimming with a strange kind of need.

He shuddered hotly. He understood that need. He had it too. It kind of wore on a person. Oh, it was just Sasuke. He didn’t work quite right. Naruto knew it. Sakura knew it. But to have Sasuke on his knees-

“Have I ever told you I love you?” he asked. He thrust against her: slow, comfy kind of thrusts.

She rolled her eyes.

“So, are you gonna take your shirt off or not?”

She yanked it off and tossed it at his face.

“Cute bra,” he said, when he could see again. He’d seen it before, of course. It was pink, splashed with a delicate rose pattern. He’d freed her breasts from it before, too, which he did now, slower than was his habit. After all, Sasuke had never seen Sakura’s tits before and so they should give him a good show. He slid her straps down around her shoulders so Sasuke could see her creamy shoulders, unbroken by strap. Then he reached behind her back and had the catch undone in a second. It had taken him a week or so to master bra hooks.

He’d love to watch Sasuke’s genius fingers fumble with the things.

Only then did he tug each cup slowly from her tits. Her tits with the pretty pink nipples that he loved licking until they went hard- He jerked his hips a little faster in anticipation, heat running everywhere under his skin now. Feels so good, Sakura. “Sakura has pretty nipples, huh Sasuke? And pretty around-the-nipples too-”

“They’re areolas, you idiot,” said Sakura. Looking at Sasuke, she tossed her hair back…then grabbed Naruto’s wrist and pushed one breast into his hand. So hot.

“I knew that,” Sasuke said quickly. They both looked up at him; his gaze shifted away from theirs. He was faintly red, red to match his eyes.

“Aww, Sasuke-chan is blushing,” Naruto crowed.

Sasuke laughed. It was a tight little sound. “Hardly. You really think too highly of yourself, Naruto.”

His fingers moved the way he’d learned she liked them to, first around the nipple until it rewarded his touch and puckered stiff, then light on the undercurve. Her tits were soft, so soft. He loved touching them. They filled his hands up, a perfect handful and no more. He always thought it was a damn shame that he wasn’t supposed to grab them unless they were in private.

He’d like to continue this conversation, Sasuke. He really would. But see, his hand had done the job. Sakura whimpered. She grabbed for his other hand and flat-out shoved the other breast into it. And above his, her hips moved, grinding into him hard and fast, nothing like his slow strokes.

Been waiting for this.

“Wanna fuck?” he asked her. “Wanna fuck on the ground with Sasuke here to watch?”

And she said, “Yes,” yes with her pretty mouth that fit like heaven around his cock, yes said so that it was more a moan than a word.

If he hadn’t already been, he’d have gone hard for that yes alone.

Sasuke snorted. “I won’t watch this,” he said. There was icy disdain crammed into every word.

Naruto looked at him. “Then don’t,” he said. Immediately after he said it, he half-regretted it. Maybe he’d overplayed his hand. Sasuke was turning away, turning, that idiot, that bastard. Sakura watched Sasuke’s back with this expression on her face. It was sad and small. It belonged nowhere near Sakura-chan’s face.

He had to do something. So he sat straight up and pressed his face into Sakura’s pretty tits. “I guess he doesn’t want to watch after all,” he said quickly against her skin. He hated that his voice shook for that moron. “I guess we’ll have to fuck without an audience. Too bad. I’ll eat you out twice to make up for it.”

Sasuke’s back was to them but he hadn’t yet stepped away.

Sakura laughed a little. He grazed the underside of one breast with his teeth. “Three times.”

“Deal,” he said.

Sasuke was turning back. “You two grew into twisted perverts,” he said vehemently. There was no longer cold in his voice, just all sorts of heat.

“Well,” said Sakura. She blushed furiously. “Yes.”

Naruto just smirked. He unhooked the top button of Sakura’s shirt and tugged on the zipper. “So! what panties are you wearing?”

“Just plain cotton ones,” she said, shrugging. “The ones with the flower print.”

“That sort of describes half your panties.” He turned to Sasuke. His cheek pressed Sakura’s right tit flat. “It’d be so cool if it was a lesbian tribute to Ino-ow-but they were just on sale.”

“Interesting,” Sasuke pretty much snarled. Yup, they were getting to him. Not that he’d had any doubts from the moment Sasuke turned back.

Sakura hitched herself up on her knees so her skirt could slide down around her hips. He grinned as he watched the curve of her hip, the line of her thighs laid bare. He couldn’t help it. You’d think it’d get old and a whole lot less wonderful on the some-hundredth time. But no, it still made him warm, in his belly and in his chest.

“You’re so pretty,” he said, nuzzling into her tits.

She sighed. He could tell she was pleased though; she just liked to pretend she wasn’t. “Flattery will get you-”

“In your pants.”

“Oh, please. As if that’s why.” She rolled her eyes. Naruto just grinned. Of course that wasn’t why. But it was nice to hear her say it.

She stood and stepped delicately out of her skirt. Then she just stood, letting Sasuke get an eyeful - he knew that was why from her blush. He’d never been able to get Sakura to blush like that, he thought with fascination. Oh, flush, sure; she got the prettiest sex flush all over her face and collarbone around the second orgasm. But he liked the blush. It was cute.

He made sure to look long and good, too. Sasuke had moved from anger back to denial, pretending valiantly he wasn’t watching. It would be a shame to leave Sakura leered at with only such inferior technique. So his gaze slid up from her booted toes and lingered on her flower-covered pussy.

“The first time, Sakura kept the boots on,” he told Sasuke. “It was pretty awesome.”

Sakura giggled. She slid her fingers beneath the elastic band of her panties. Not nearly half the exhibitionist he was, she hesitated for a moment. But then she pulled those down as well, and stepped deftly out of them.

It was a struggle, but he managed to only watch all that out of the corner of his eyes. He had to watch Sasuke’s reaction. It was important. And yes, Sasuke’s shoulders went taut. His hands clenched, not violently, but as if he had to, lest they reach for her.

Naruto caught his gaze. He grinned. Then he shucked off his shirt, over his head and at Sasuke, who caught it with a look of-how weird, of fear that settled a moment later into distaste; he switched to holding it with just thumb and forefinger.

Sakura sighed. “Sasuke, it won’t bite.” Her tone was fond, but also exasperated. It pleased him: someone other than him ought to get exasperated with Sasuke, and Sakura ought to get exasperated with someone other than him.

“Sakura will, though-” He rolled out of the way before she could give him a boot in the ribs. There was probably dirt and grass in his hair right now and he couldn’t bring himself to care. Okay, he’d be honest: he liked attention. It was best Sasuke did not exasperate Sakura too often, or he’d get jealous.

Then Sakura bent over, ass in the air, and undid his belt and zipper. The sly girl; her ass was pointed at Sasuke, and as her fingers moved, she wiggled far more than was necessary. Naruto was pleased-in the matter of Teasing Sasuke, he considered her his pupil. She was picking it up quickly.

Which meant he was so a-good-teacher.

Thinking: difficult when Sakura’d just gone and taken his cock in her mouth. And when Sasuke’s mouth was hanging open. Go Sakura-chan! “And-the student overtakes the teacher,” he got out, dramatically.

Sakura let go his cock long enough to say, “What are you babbling about?” Her pretty pink lips closed again about the head; her warm clever tongue flicked out along the ridge.

“You taught Sakura how to-to do that?” said Sasuke. He sneered. It wasn’t very convincing.

“In a manner of speaking,” said Sakura, pulling up once more, at the same time that Naruto took it another way and said, “Well. No. But I definitely could have ’cause I’m awesome at it!”

It should be noted that Naruto had never actually sucked dick. He was also not strictly lying; he felt that if he were to try it, he would be an incredible cocksucker.

Sakura looked at him and burst out laughing. Sasuke just squirmed again. A moment later he gathered himself together(-ish) and made a mocking sound.

“We figured all these things out as we went,” Sakura explained further to Sasuke.

“Oh,” said Sasuke awkwardly.

“If you’d been here, you could have helped,” Naruto blurted out. (Sasuke swallowed.)

Sakura frowned at him and hissed, “We were going to make him beg.”

“Er! Then you could have. Now, not so much. Now you only get to watch.” Then in an aside to Sakura, “Better?”

She sighed. “No.” But she didn’t seem mad at him, since she bent back and lapped at his cock. He shuddered. He loved watching her pink tongue on his shaft. He liked it even more when she caught him watching and they locked eyes. Then the world stopped abruptly and narrowed down to him and her. The way she looked at him with pure want in her pretty green eyes. The heat in his cock and the heat in her mouth. It was the same way when he ate her out and she watched him. Though he could-uh, think, yes think was the word-then.

Sure, Sasuke was buried in him and in her (well, not literally, though they could get to that; his cock gave a hot jerk in Sakura’s mouth).

But maybe that made him treasure the Naruto-and-Sakura moments all the more. He remembered making her that promise all those years ago in the hospital. He remembered her making him her own promise. He remembered fighting Kakashi again for the bells with just her at his side. He remembered their first kiss-sloppy. All the times they’d squabbled over something, anything-perhaps just to quarrel. The first time they’d gotten drunk. The first time she let him touch her breasts. All these memories shot through him in a red-hot instant. All of them warmed him in his gut and below. Him-and-her, her-and-him. Once he had thought there’d never be such a thing. That Sasuke-stupid-Sasuke would always be in the way.

But Sasuke was there watching him-and-her, and everything was warm and wet and good, and coiling tightertightertighter in his cock-

Then she took him to the back of her throat. He was suddenly unable to think. Possibly to breathe. “Gyurk,” he said. His cock was constricting in on itself so hotly.

Her tongue lashed faster. His hands dug into the grass, jamming dirt beneath his nails. Involuntarily his hips jerked. He went deep into her beautiful hot mouth. He felt her lovely hot throat about the tip. His hips jerked again to get at more of that heat-

“Naruto!” Sakura snapped, yanking her throat back from his cock. She backhanded pre-come from her lips.

“Sorry! Didn’t mean to!” He was in the throes of a spasm that ran shoulders to belly to cock.

She worked his cock with her hand now. Her hand was cool and quick, and he was so close that it didn’t terribly matter, but when she tongued the end after a minute-

Well. His cock jerked against her hand, his orgasm surging hotly through and in and out of him. Again, again, on her hand and splattering on her tits and lips. He fell back against the grass, cock throbbing quietly between his legs and aftershocks still going off in his belly. He looked up at her. She wore a come-wet smile. She was probably the most beautiful girl there was. That wasn’t just the orgasm coloring things, either. After all, her lips-her cheekbones-her chin-even her nose was beautiful.

Suddenly it occurred to him. “Sakura! He was going to watch us fuck. Now we can’t for at least an hour! And-”

“Hush,” she said, putting her finger to his lips. He took it playfully in his mouth and tasted the sharpness of his semen. She had a very self-satisfied smirk on her face; she leaned forward and whispered into his ear, “He’ll just have to, then.” Her chest pressed stickily to his.

Once again the world snapped properly back into place, and it was him-and-her-and-him. But Naruto found he didn’t mind so very much. He thought about Sakura sliding down on top of Sasuke to ride him into the ground. Or would she lie sweetly beneath him as he drove into her? He wasn’t sure. Sakura rode him until she came shouting above him, and then sometimes they would switch off. But for Sasuke-

He stretched his arms up over his head. “So, Sasuke. Enjoy the show?”

“Uh. Er. No,” Sasuke said. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest.

Sakura threw her hands up in the air. “Sasuke! For goodness sake.” She glared at him. It was a glare that had shattered the will of mighty, mighty men. Naruto knew because he was one of them.

Sasuke’s face remained cool beneath for one minute. Two. On three he cracked. He looked at his toes. “Yes,” he said. His face was a most brilliant shade of red. Then he said, sharply, “An hour, Naruto? Pathetic.”

“Like you could do any better.”

“Of course.”

“Yeah right. You couldn’t have lost your virginity without our help.” After he said it, he wondered if he should have. Orochimaru had shown a creepy kind of interest in Sasuke, after all.

But it didn’t seem to have hit any awkward nerves. Sasuke just snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“-ly accurate,” Naruto tacked on cheerfully. “And like hell you could fuck Sakura once and again in under an hour. Bet you couldn’t even do it again for another day. And you’d last like five minutes.” Naruto winked at Sakura. (Sasuke fumed.)

She shook her head, but there was a smile for him. Then she said, “Look, as fun as it is to watch you two wave your manly bits at each other, I just gave a blow job and haven’t had so much as a finger on my clit. You owe me,” she added, rounding on Naruto.

“Not a manly bit,” Naruto sulked, but he got up on his knees. Gripping the pretty curve of her hips, he buried his nose in her gorgeous pussy. His nostrils flared as the scent of her arousal caught in them. She smelled of woman, of hidden. (Of good, of home.) He touched her clit with his tongue and she whimpered. The whimper got under his skin; his cock gave a half-hearted throb, before remembering that it didn’t work like that. It gave up irritably.

Her thighs clenched against his ears. She had such strong thighs. He loved when she came and they gripped his head like a vise. Between her legs he lapped and breathed and sucked. Clit and lips and slit-no part went untouched. He loved the folds of her, and too, all of the fleshy dips and rises.

She whimpered again. Now he worked in earnest, taking her clit between his lips and lapping and tugging at once, then letting it loose before kissing it hard enough that it rubbed back against the bone. “Come on, Sakura. Show Sasuke what cool sounds you make when you come,” he said. Sasuke-is-watching-he’s-watching, he thought. Once again his cock tried to rise and failed miserably. He was a little annoyed at her for making him come so soon.

But then her hips bucked, shoving her clit back beneath his mouth. Her breath came in quick little intakes. Her hand caught in his hair. “Please,” she said. He decided he would manage to forgive her.

He looked up at her, to catch her eyes and remake the world of him-and-her. Yet somehow it didn’t work right. She looked back, and then the world narrowed but not completely, because sometimes she would glance off to the side to find Sasuke. And that’s how it’ll always be, he thought. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. It was some jumble of stung and happy and jealous and turned-on.

Another minute. A shout tore from her throat. Her hips spasmed wildly against his face, her pussy under his tongue. He pressed his tongue to her slit to feel her orgasm pulsing against it. So hot.

Her breath still came in pants, though now they were slow, leisurely pants. She fell limp to the ground, dragging him down on top of her in a sweaty jumble. He loved her sweaty body pressed to his. Loved the way her pretty curves softened to make room for him on top of her. “Love you,” he said. He always said it. It didn’t seem right to have a feeling like that in him and let it go unsaid.

“Love you too,” she murmured. It could have been any of ten different shades of love that she meant. She never said. But he thought that the first time she meant it the way he did, he would just know.

It was then that Sasuke caught his attention. He was shifting. He was looking off to the side, not in denial, but in a distinctly getting out of here sort of way. So Naruto poked Sakura in the ribs and jerked his jaw.

She said with disappointment, “I don’t think we’ll get begging, will we?”

“Probably not. Though I could make him beg-”

“Yeah right. Hey, Sasuke?”

“What?” he said. His shoulders were curved up. Naruto could almost see the tension thrumming in him.

“Coming helps with that,” he advised.


“With the tense thing. You look like someone who needs to get laid, ya bastard.”

“I don’t. I-this shouldn’t have happened. It was stupid. Juvenile. Like comparing cocks in the bathroom.”

Naruto was very offended at that, for the record. Sakura just looked hurt. (“He doesn’t mean it,” he promised her.

“I know.”)

Then to Sasuke, “You’re just bitter ‘cause ya always lost those sorts of things.”

Sasuke frowned at him. “I’m going to forget this. You’ll probably jack off to it tonight-” he began.

“Yup,” said Naruto.

“Yes,” admitted Sakura.

Sasuke was taken aback at the second but he continued on manfully, Naruto thought. “But pretend you’ve forgotten it. At least when you’re in polite company.”

“Which isn’t really ever, so we’re good,” Sakura said to Naruto.

Sasuke’s red eyes caught on her. “Sakura. I would have expected better of you. You always had some sort of dignity, anyway.” Naruto could tell he was trying to shame her. He was trying to shame Sakura-chan. His hands curled up into fists. Forget that. What a jackass. They did this for him (okay, well, their motives had not been pure as driven snow; it’d been hot). But Sakura had stripped prettily for him. Sakura had blushed and smiled for him. Naruto had shrugged, maybe a little regretfully, but still shrugged when his world of him-and-her had opened and let Sasuke slip in to stay.

He was going to. Kill him. Right now.

He jumped to his feet. There was adrenaline in him as hot as the lust before. His cock throbbed again, but he hardly noticed in the middle of all the fury. He would have leaped for him and killed him, but Sakura checked him with a gentle hand on his thigh.

Slowly she climbed to her feet. Her arms were crossed over her breasts, as if hiding them. But he couldn’t read her face. It had gone blank as a sheet of paper. (A pretty piece of stationary paper! since this was Sakura.)

She went to him. There was nothing seductive in her now. Maybe nothing shy, either, as her arms dropped from her breasts to her sides. Naruto couldn’t see her face now, just the bared line of her back. Her shoulders were set, shuddering a little. He wished he could see her face.

Sasuke’s arms, though, were still crossed. Before, it had made him look superior. Cold. You can’t touch me, those arms had said with a sneer. Now it had changed. His scent had changed too. Now it said, you can’t touch me. Begged it, maybe.

“Sasuke.” Her voice was all sorts of things. Too many things for Naruto to sort out, but- Hungry, above all.

And his name checked Sasuke where he stood. He froze and stayed frozen when she reached for him.

She leaned in. Maybe she kissed him. He couldn’t see. But now her body was pressed flush to Sasuke’s now. Naruto thought about Sasuke’s cock. It had to be hard. Had to. He thought about Sakura’s pussy against it, leaving a trail of wet against the dark fabric of his trousers.

His cock tried to throb.

Sakura stepped back. “Walk away now,” she said. There was an edge to her voice. It was husky and raw and went straight to his groin, though damned if he understood it. Sakura! Don’t encourage him to go. “Walk away now.”

“You think I won’t.”

There was a bob of Sakura’s head.

“I have before,” said Sasuke. It was kind of creepy, the way his words echoed Naruto’s own thought. Now she’s just being dumb, he thought crossly. Just being dumb, and I’ll have to fix it. Then he remembered he was going to kill Sasuke anyway. It didn’t really matter if she fucked it up, except that the bastard might hurt her feelings again. Sakura had a lot of those.

For the record, Sasuke?

That was Not Allowed.

“Yes,” said Sakura. “I remember.” Her tone was wry; her hand went to the back of her head, then fell again. “But if you were going to walk away, you would have already.”

Sasuke was turning. Turning. Suddenly he whipped back around and had a hold of Sakura by her shoulders-

And once again Naruto was to his feet, ready to check (kill) Sasuke if he did anything-

Had a hold of Sakura by her shoulders and his mouth on hers. It wasn’t a good kiss; Naruto could tell just from watching. He didn’t quite get their lips to match up at first. Then his mouth blundered onto hers and caught there. He didn’t get how tongues went between lips, either; his slid wetly across hers and missed where they had parted for him entirely.

To top it all off, he yanked back immediately after he’d botched the kiss all up.

But Naruto was behind him then, holding Sakura’s eyes over his shoulder. His hands hovered near Sasuke’s shoulders, but didn’t touch. Not yet. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to touch him. Might make him go away. “One or the other, you dumbass. You can’t kiss Sakura and run away. And since you’ve already gone and kissed Sakura-”

“I’m not running away,” Sasuke snapped. As if to prove it, he kissed her again. His mouth overtook hers forcefully. Naruto was annoyed as he watched. That was how Sakura got to kiss. Boys didn’t kiss Sakura like that. It wasn’t allowed. Sakura got to do the shoving and grabbing and so on. As she’d explained it, it had something to do with her having a pussy.

Flawless logic, to Naruto’s mind.

But Sakura had just moaned into Sasuke’s mouth.

Naruto’s fingers dug sharply into the sinew of Sasuke’s shoulders. That was the moment that a moan-just tore free from Sasuke. It was low and ragged and dark, if a moan could be such a thing. Naruto felt it in his hands.

Grr, thought Naruto’s cock.

“Sakura, you made me come way too early!” he griped.

“Thmmph-nph,” she said.

He scowled, pretty sure that had been a that’s nice.

His grip tightened on Sasuke’s shoulders. Sasuke grunted. “Stop whining,” he said. As he spoke, he turned a bit away from Sakura’s mouth so her lips slid to his cheek.

“You suck at kissing!” Naruto crowed. “I so called it. Didn’t I, Sakura?”

“Uh, not that I remember…” She was trying to discreetly wipe at her mouth, which was saliva wet-

“I might have forgotten to say it aloud. But I called it.”

-Saliva wet to go with the come-wet of earlier. Naruto couldn’t help it. A wide grin tugged his face. “So how’d my come taste, Sasuke-kun?” he asked.


Sakura’s mouth tugged upwards. She made a choking sound that, if Naruto was not mistaken, was her swallowing a giggle.

“Dumbass. Bet you thought that was her chapstick or something. Bet you-”

“I’m not stupid. I know what it tastes like.”

Naruto nodded sagely. “Sucked a lot of cock, have you? Not that you’re anywhere as good at it as I am.”

Sakura sighed. “Naruto, you’ve never sucked cock. Quit pretending.”

“But I could have, if I wanted to. Neji would let me go down on him. I wouldn’t even have to try.” Naruto flashed a grin. His hands moved from Sasuke’s shoulders to his hips. He pressed his hips into Sasuke’s ass. His cock stirred and, upon discovering that it didn’t ache in not-the-good-way, throbbed a little higher. “And Sasuke,” he said into his ear, rough and loud enough so Sakura could hear and appreciate the words, as well. “Sasuke would let me suck his cock in a heartbeat, wouldn’t he?”

“Yes,” Sasuke said. He finished with something along the lines of “then you wouldn’t be talking.”

But Naruto was already saying, “See?” to Sakura. He processed the rest a moment later. “Was cleverer when Sakura said it. And hotter.” He smiled at Sakura around Sasuke’s head. Their eyes caught.

“Why thank you.”

With words passing back and forth between them, it was nearly the right balance of him-and-her. Sasuke’s body was between them; he was not touching her. But there were her eyes, green and so pretty, holding his gaze warmly. She spoke and he replied, she spoke again, with so much more ease than either of them had ever had with Sasuke.

Something clicked and so he leaned over Sasuke’s shoulder to peck her on the cheek.

She smiled. Maybe she understood. Sakura-chan was awfully perceptive.

Then things moved back properly into place. His cock throbbed again and succeeded in calling his attention to the fact that it was working.

Sakura kissed Sasuke again; Naruto tugged on his shirt.

It was a jumble and a mess after that. Naruto blamed Sasuke. He wasn’t very good at kissing, much less sex. He managed to bite both too hard and not enough. His fingers scrabbled too rough against Sakura’s skin and too gently on Naruto’s. He drove two fingers into Sakura when she only liked one. Naruto catalogued these and all other offenses with a great deal of satisfaction, for as long as he could think.

But eventually he couldn’t. Because beyond whatever he might be inexpertly doing with it, there was still the fact of Sasuke’s lean dark body:

Broad shoulders set above his fine-almost delicate-aristocrat’s collarbone. Below, a narrow, lean chest, which lead in turn to his taut belly, and here the fine dusting of dark hair began, concentrated over his bellybutton and trailing down to his cock. Naruto, whose own chest was much hairier, laughed at him and called him a woman without tits.

(Sakura smacked him. Naruto teased that it was out of sisterly solidarity.

Sakura pointed out that Sasuke’s cock was a good inch longer than his, and so he stewed about that for a few minutes.

Then it occurred to him-as Sakura made a soft sound of exasperation and gently tugged Sasuke’s fingers to her clit-that Sasuke was clumsy with his hands and wasn’t likely to be any better with his cock. This cheered him immensely.

He also decided there wasn’t a chance he was letting Sasuke near his ass with the thing.

Since he was Naruto, all this spilled out of his mouth a moment later.)

His cock was yes, a good inch longer than Naruto’s, and jutted up sleek and pale from dark messy curls. Once Sakura had done away with Sasuke’s trousers and underwear, Naruto poked and prodded at it experimentally, and felt pleased when it bobbed under his touch. He had never had a cock other than his own in hand before, and so he cupped Sasuke’s balls, beneath where Sakura’s was working at the shaft.

Sasuke gasped sharply. His hips bucked. His fingers dug into Sakura’s hips hard enough to leave white marks in their wake.

Sometime after that, Sasuke was buried in Sakura while Naruto gripped one of her legs at the knee to make it easier on him; he was distracted by the prospect of grinding against Sasuke’s ass; a few moments after that, they were all sprawled in the dirt.

“Naruto! Idiot. So your fault,” Sakura bitched.

“No, it isn’t. You’re the one who tried to fuck standing when Sasuke is way too goddamn tall for that. You’re just bitter that your deflowering of Sasuke is going to be all muddled.”

“Don’t say fucking,” said Sakura.

“I am not a virgin,” said Sasuke.

Neither of his teammates believed him.

So it was rather a mess. But it was a fun one. And it was also a right mess, he thought in the aftermath:

They were all sticky and sweaty in the dirt, Sakura between the two of them. He brushed a smudge of dirt from the bridge of her nose. The other arm he snaked out and gripped Sasuke’s hip, to keep from sneaking away from the cuddle pile.

After all, Sakura was partial to cuddling, after. (So was Naruto.) Sasuke was going to become partial to it, even if it required tying him down.
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