Well, school's starting up, I'm working, and Real Life socially is starting back up again, hoorah! I think I'll probably try and avoid fandom until thanksgiving break - - I know I kind of did that unofficially last semester, and the semester before, and that worked out well. I'll still read some ljs, because we talk a lot and/or you write in a most kickass fashion, but I'll be scarce in actual ficcing. (Not that this is usually an *odd* thing.)
It's not quite in effect, because I have 3700 words of NaruSakuSasu smut (a continuation of my naruto/sasuke/sakura drabble, which'll double as the fic I owe
mad_and_crazy from the smut meme) that probably will take another 2000 words to finish; also I just need to edit the first chapter of the Naruto noir fic, and then I'll post that.
Later! :D