Still here!

May 03, 2015 07:06

Hey blog, it's been a while. I'm still around (esp on tumblr) but work has been kicking my ass lately. My project is in that fun phase where they keep adding more work but refuse to extend the deadline, so it's all degenerating into a mess of finger pointing and blame and everyone is scrambling to cover their respective asses. Because anyone who outright says the new scope is impossible gets labeled "uncoopertive." Ahh, work politics, fun. The only bright spot is that at least my team all has each other's backs. So I only have to worry about shit from the client and from the other group of external contractors.I've worked on prevoious projects where the backstabbing came from within my own team and that is a whole new level of hell.

Okay, no more bitching about work. On a less crappy note, I'm still in London! A couple of months ago I moved from Canary Wharf (the soulless business district that's nowhere near the city center) into a really fun neighborhood in east central london.The commute to work sucks, but it's worth it for the weekends! I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can start drinking rose wine on my balcony!

Not much is happening on the writing front, but I'm trying to pick away at some existing wips in hope that something comes together. I've taken a fandom nosedive into the Netflix Daredevil series (it's super fun but I went and fell for the bad guys so I feel a bit out of touch with the main fandom) but maybe some porn from that will eventually see the light of day.

It's noon now and I'm still drinking morning coffee. I guess it's time to face the day.

job related, general silliness, writing

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