I keep meaning to use this journal more...and then not doing it at all!
Kiramaru7 and
n0t-again did this meme, so here I am jumping in on it. They each gave me a letter, which I'm gonna use to answer questions. If you ask for a letter in the comments, I'll give you one!
Kira gave me - G
n0t-chan gave me - M
Something I hate:
G - going slow. Ughhh people who walk slow and take up THE ENTIRE FREAKING SIDEWALK JUST DRIve me crazy...
M - Messes! Which is a sad, sad coincidence because I happen to be incredibly messy
Something I love:
G - Gelato. Mmmm I want some right now
M - Martinis. Preferably made with vodka and just a little dirty (unlike me who's mostly dirty) and blue cheese olvies.
Somewhere I've been:
G - Great Britian. In fact, I'm there right now. Hello London.
M - Munich. I was there several times between 2004-08 and it's a great town. Delicious beer and a cool science museum.
Somewhere I'd like to go:
G - Great Wall of China. Actually, make that all of China.
M - Maldives. The location of my current dream vacation. Give me a private villa and no one to bother me for 2-4 weeks, my own dedicated masseuse, and a steady diet of summer cocktails pls. (runners up are Morocco, Machu Picchu, Moscow, and Malaysia)
Someone I know:
G - I have a cousin named Gary, does that count
M - My Mom (Ha I used TWO M's I am clearly the winner!)
A film I liked:
G - Galaxy Quest. An eternal favorite.
M - The Matrix. Sadly the sequels didn't do it for me and a little bit eroded by love of this movie, but I remember thinking it was super cool. Also, I am apparently not good at thinking of movie names that start with M.