I need caffeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiinne

Aug 29, 2007 18:41

School . . . has started up again for me as of August 27.

Now I love collage, but I’m pissed that I wasn’t able to get like ten more chapters of my KH fic done. Okay, maybe five more chapters done . . .

(Dang You Persona 3 For Eating My Brain!)

Point is I feel like I’ve let any readers of my works down. ;-;

Still, with the coming of school I may get some of my motivation to write back, as I have a tendency to sabotage myself. And what more surefire way is there to sabotage myself than to stop working on my classes and work more on my fanfics? XD

But then that’s not the end of the world for me, I’m an Asian Studies major with an English minor, and I’m going to be going for my Mater of Arts degree after I complete my 4-year one . . . even though I’m starting my 6th year of collage. ::twitch:: But that’s a rant for another day . . .

Speaking of rants . . . my collage implemented this new policy without informing the student body. Basically, if you hand the employes of the bookstore--and who knows where else on campus--a credit card that has anyone else’s name on it but yours--or even a different version of your name, for those of you who don’t like your first names, but instead use your middle ones--they won’t accept it. Yes, I have a credit card, but I don’t work and I still live with my parents. All my moneys come from them, and they ::gasp:: trust me with their cards. I’ve done this every semester I’ve been there so far, use my parents’ card to get my books, because it takes too long for money to transfer, and I never know how much all my books will end up costing . . .

So, luckily, only one of my classes has a reading from the book due today. So, with luck, my plan of heading in early to pick up, and then read, the book before class will work out.

But I’m beyond annoyed at [collage] for not announcing this shit to us. It’s one of our larger freshmen classes this year, and I can guaranty that I’m not the only student using their parents’ money to buy things.

Moving on . . .

I have 3 english type classes and then a random anthropology class this time. I find that funny, because I almost always like to do a mix of English and Asian, but there was nothing I either needed or seemed interesting to me this time around . . . that, and if I can’t pass the one class I need for this degree in spring--the class I need is in spring ::twitch::--then I’ll have enough english classes to switch my major around.

But either way I’ll still be going for my Master of Arts degree. Hell, I’ll go for a freaking Doctorate, then I’ll be a real mad scientist! Bwahahahahahahaaaaaa . . . I can see it now, Dr. Stardragon, Bio-genetics specialist, the person responsible for the formulas used in splicing non-human animal DNA with human DNA. . . .

Yes, I watched ‘Batman Beyond’.

Yes, I am a fur, furrie, fur-suiter, so forth.

Yes, you will see the furrie tendencies in my writing . . . even if none of the characters are furs themselves.

But then when hasn’t a physically strong, predatory, male with an equally healthy sexual appetite ever not been likened to some kind of hunting cat? ::images of ‘Ansem - Seeker of Darkness’ come to mind.::

GODDAMMED EVIL SEXY BASTARD! I swear he’s Sephiroth’s illegitimate Latino stepbrother! Him, and Xemnas, and Xehanort!!!!!!! Why must so many of the sexy bishies be so bad? (Xehanort excluded, because he was misinformed & misguided, not evil. Same with Riku--best intentions, poor choices--but he got help just in time, so all is spiffy and good with my favorite character out of KH).

Hmm . . . back on topic . . . now that my classes have started my posting/entries will either become more regular--if not more frequent--or more sporadic. . . Only time will be able to tell on that point. Not sure what this will do to my InsaneJournal postings . . .

~ <3 Lynn Stardragon, the Happy Dragon

daily life babble

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