Sep 10, 2004 17:21
Lovely day today! 70's, light and breezy, sunny...*sigh* no humidity.... *reels giddily*
Today was my fixit day. We moved the sandbox under the trampoline (heheh) on the theory that this will keep it from filling with water since no one seems to understand the purpose of the LID it came with. It also gets it off the back patio where sand collected and then got tracked in to the house where I had the pleasure of sweeping it up on what felt like an hourly basis. So today I swept all the remaining sand off the patio. Looks awesome!
Then I fixed the back yard fence where our ignorant dogs and the neighbors were digging holes in an effort to play together unhindered. I think the secondary destination for this hole was indeed was ...deep. I will need to make a small trip to the store and buy dh another mallet though because I *ahem* ruined his...well - if large rubber chunks coming off the mallet head counts as ruining it anyway.
Hobbit #2 threw a hissy fit on the playground and I had to go get him *sigh* I hope we can get this behavioral plan underway soon.
Lastly....tonight...I'm going into my weekly Gateworld stupor. Stargate SG1 and Atlantis - back to back - twice...W00t!!!! Rock on Richard Dean Anderson, rock on!