Note to Self:

Mar 16, 2009 00:12

Do not buy any more books until I've saved for a laptop.

My parents brought up a good point to me today about my spending habits. From all the books I've purchased in the last year, I could have instead gotten a laptop. Insane, right? Well, they told me this right after I'd bought Blankets online. So $30 out of my pocket could have gone to getting myself a decent laptop. The sad thing is, my parents are completely right. I can't keep on doing this.

On a happier note, I just finished a book from the library (yes, no money necessary) called A Pocket Full of Rye by Agatha Christie. Wonderful book, Agatha always has me spellbound, and so far I've only been able to correctly guess one of her murderers. This book was difficult to figure out, near impossible really. Still, her murder mysteries always have class.

On an even happier note, RASL by Jeff Smith is a super amazing comic that's got me hooked, just like Bone. Of course, it's completely different from BONE, but man, Jeff really takes you by surprise at such a dramatic genre shift as this. Artwork is still the beautiful and classic black and white, and the theme, I'll try to predict, can only get darker from here. Just my type of story.

Side note, finished my pphp_ldws story. Took me half an hour, not bad. Hopefully I'll get by this next round. If not, well more free time for me. It is spring break after all...

ramblings, book

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