Nov 09, 2005 11:01
So things are looking up. I've moved out of that crazy house, and after next semester, I will have my associate's degree. I really enjoy having my own room again, and three square meals a day. I'm trying to quit smoking, too. Which makes me cranky, but I have more energy now.
I miss the boy a lot, though. It's harder being apart from him than I thought it would. Actually, I don't know what I expected. We say goodnight on the phone, and bus around St. Petersburg to see each other; and that really doesn't cut it for me. Every time I go over to the apartment, his mom is drunk and screams at me, so that we don't have a moment's peace. If he goes to my grandparent's house, he has to socialize with Nana and Papa and we must have the bedroom door open at all times... as if I would do anything that would require that kind of privacy in their house (ew). We both hate the mall and we don't have transportation or spending money (save save save!), so we can't really go out. Can I take six months of this?
My job starts in earnest soon. I've finished orientation and training (piece o' cake) but I'm only "on call" this week. Next week I'll be scheduled for honest to goodness shifts and start earning some money. To be saved like a good little girl, and not spent on lingerie or candy. Oh how I lust for lingerie and candy...
I see a lot of Gina lately, which is great. Not so much anyone else. Do I really like anyone else? I'm not so sure anymore (although this is probably a painful crunch for some people's toes). I like the idea of friends, but not the effort, and let's face it, most people have lots of icky personality flaws. Or else they're just plain icky.
Someday I'm just going to become a hermit in the primeval forests of Vermont (those who know, will know) and leave society to rot by itself.