FA Popularity Ranking

Dec 26, 2008 13:01


I have to admit that I'm the kind of number-whore and statistic freak to enjoy stuff like this.  Especially when it comes to implications of a Sociological /  Larger-Scale Psychological nature.

Hasn't been updated in 4 days, but the data is still relatively fresh.  By fresh, I mean up-to-date on the whacked out guessing game that is FA.  Abandoned accounts, banned accounts, multiple accounts, collab accounts, troll accounts... so on and so forth.  But there's no real way to counteract most of those.

What gets me is the perpetuation of cliques en masse.  I'm not sure if I agree that there should be a 'watch quality' weight to the ranking system.  It helps suppress some of broken accounts.  Should you believe that the watch of one popular person makes you a more popular person?  Fuck yea!  That's how it works in real life.

So the moral of the story is, do whatever the fuck you can to get in with the popular crowd.  Lie, cheat, steal, walk on the backs of others.  They will make you popular by association, and we know how much everyone loves popular people... they'll lie, cheat, steal, and do backflips on the backs of others just to be your friend.

Yes, that's superficial, and yes I'm being facetious.  I wouldn't say it makes me bitter or anything about my rank on FA.  Penultimately, this is just the internets.  I like WoW and listening to music way more than popularity on FA.  I also like my friends, albeit they're unpopular freaks, but I still like them, and that's all that matters.

Yay... MOAR SNOW!!

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