Help a Becca Out

Jul 13, 2009 11:31

Becca being me.

Post complete my MFA work, I've been forced into a tough corner - working endless hours and horrible jobs. Rough for me - fun for you!

I've reformatted my blog

it's now dedicated to all of my hilarious mishaps, which make for a good read. I'm also hoping to turn just enough of a profit so that I might keep my student loans at bay, and you know, have food to eat, and electricity. Yeah, it really is that bad.

Please help a struggling artist out, visit my site, click on the ads there, comment on the entries, and above all else, forward the site to your friends. God knows enough of us sit in front of a computer all day bored out of minds, and if nothing else, this blog o'mine will keep folks entertained for some of that time.

This lj will continue to exist, of course, but mainly as a personal whiny forum - yeah!

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