
Jul 06, 2007 19:57

       My parents have finally relaxed their ridiculous goals, well... with the exception of the stupid schedule.  But ANYWAY, I finally get to go downtown with Sasha.  You'd think my parents would have liked to keep me under lock and key until I'm old and grey if they could.  I sometimes wish that my parents would learn to trust me just a little.
    Found out something amusing today; I'm not allowed to date Korean people. LMAO If I had to date an asian person, claim my parents, I should date someone Vietnamese. LOL White people are all ok. LOL My parents are wacked, seriously.   I have no idea what goes through their crazy minds.  I'm feeling particularly chatty today cuz I think there's some weird hormone in the stupid HPV vaccine.  It's made me loopy and chatty all day.  I SWEAR. Like I've been laughing like a loon so often.  Now I'M wacked. heeeeeeeelp me!!! It think it's contagious.  That means staying as far away from my parents as possible for a while. hahaha
    Busy summer; calc class, writer's workshop, psychotic mothers (ok one mother) after me, crazy IB work, Cali trip later, new piano teacher.  Of which I'm glad since he's the tightest teacher EVER.  He actually got me into composing. I've now written about 2 fully-developed songs. hahaha My dad's on my case now, attempting to put HIS name on MY songs.  Too bad! Mine, all mine. Anyway It's been an eventful summer, even though I wish I had a job.  I like shopping way too much; I need money!!!! lol Now I've realized that I need to hold a MUN meeting sometime. hmmm plan our NY trip. yikes!  and attend the meetings for the music festival!!! Too much!!!! Now I'm stressed, even though I told my doctor that I didn't have an increase in stuff to do. LIES hahahaha actually I've been busy my whole life.  I expect to not be when I'm dead. Wow now I'm quoting Disko. hahahaha  So much for a stress free summer/senior year. Maybe when exams are over.  hmmm
    Ahhhhhh colleges.  My parents still refuse to accept the fact that I wanna go out of state.  Geez I think they expect me to remain at UW/near them my whole life.  eek! That's a scary thought.  But as of now I have about 9 colleges that I'm applying to: Columbia University (early decision baby!), RPI, USC, Stanford, Berkeley, Bennington, UW, Harvard (they want me, not the other way around LOL), and Oxford.  waaaaaaaaah I really need to narrow that list down. Columbia is for SURE.  I want to go there so badly.  I think I'll seriously freak if I DON'T get in.  *whimper* I need a hug now.  The thought of it makes me horribly depressed.  Well, we'll just see how that goes. *crosses fingers*

columbia, summer, college, mun, parents

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