At thirty two I can still pout like a child.
The day before a new year begins (calender or birth), I like to make sure that things are tidy -- dishes, laundry, etc. (I'm a geek. I am cognizant of this and admit it freely.) Fresh start and all that. This year? Not so much. The entire week has been a bit nutty, my apartment is a mess, and last night I just couldn't bring myself to care.
Turns out that was an omen.
Resolution-y sorts of things for this year: to stop swearing and be on time for work. Both were broken at 8:30 (the very latest I can leave my apt and pretend to be on time) this morning when my sister called and I still hadn't finished dressing, taken my meds (inc. the eye drops from hell), or fed the Sasha-monster.
I was supposed to go out to lunch with coworkers today, but since one of them is out ill and another can't eat solid food because of a root canal we decided to postpone. Not a problem in the slightest as this would allow me to renew my health card which expires today. I would have done it first thing this am (when the line is likely to be much shorter) but there was a chance that I'd be the only admin staff in the office today.
Since I wasn't, I left early for lunch (at 11), hoping to beat the "I'll do it at lunch rush", which I did, and I was out of there at 11:40. Go Health Canada. It did, however, leave me with a dilemma.
Despite being only two blocks from the buildings where my mom and sister work. I decided not to call them for lunch as I'm having dinner with them this evening and went back to work. Where YBay had already left, TNK wasn't in yet, there was absolutely no one else around, and there was no time to call
bluebird16 or
ladybug1978, both of whom are off this week.
By the time I'd decided what I was going to get to eat and stood in line to get it, there wasn't enough time to make it a productive lunch either: hence the pouting.
All that aside, I've heard from so many people today, gifts and cards and messages from people I haven't heard from in ages, people who by rights should be doing all sorts of things that have nothing to do with remembering my birthday, people whom I love deeply.
Despite the proportional length of the rant, it's the last bit that will stay with me.
So to all of you: thank you. I feel so lucky, so spoiled and special and loved.