Gripe and Gratitude

Mar 18, 2009 21:14


For my birthday, my boss was overly generous and gave me the Worst. Cold. Ever. I had a dentist apt Friday afternoon, and as the swelling in my jaw went down, it moved into the glands of my throat. By Saturday, I was in incredible amounts of pain: my whole body felt like it had been assaulted with a meat cleaver. Mom and Dad came over with meds (I had little of use that wasn't allergy specific), and Mom had to make me lunch because I couldn't stand long enough to heat soup.

Sunday was better; the congestion had moved from my head to my chest, so coughing hurt, but the aching was at a level that was to be expected. By then, though, it was pretty evident that my palate wouldn't be able to appreciate my steak and asparagus birthday dinner, and the staff lunch was in jeopardy.

Fortunately, while the proportionate improvement wasn't as great as it had been Sat eve, it was still decent, so I managed work, staff lunch, and casual family dinner on Monday, and it was a lovely day. I'm giving a large portion of the credit to Tith, who kept issuing threatening-sounding chat messages like "Better get that sick over with quickly! No sick on your birfday!" and "FEEL BETTER. You have ONE DAY." I think she terrified the cold into submission. And for that I thank her.

Monday was a productive, pleasant day, work-wise; lunch was wonderful, despite learning at the last minute that YBay coudn't make it; and I was thoroughly spoiled in well-wishes and gifts -- one of which, from my mom and dad, was a ticket for me to go with my sister to last night's performance by Bowfire. It was the same tour as the concert we saw last year (with only minor changes) and just as wonderful -- like listening to one of my favourite albums at the volume I always want to hear it at (I can’t always, since I live in an apartment, take public transit, and am supposed to pay attention when walking : ) ). There was even a leprechaun hat in honour of St. Pat's, though both Jon Pilatzke and *his* hat were notably missing. (Tith, do you have anything you'd like to share with the class?)

And I've taken tomorrow off to enjoy the company of several of the fabulous women I know.

Birthday weeks rock.

gifts, diversion, backstory

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