Grown-Up Points! Grown-Up Points!

Apr 27, 2016 21:36

Today's question from
tallulahgs was "If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?"

This always makes me think of that bit Stand By Me when they ask Vern this question and he says "No question. Strawberry flavoured Pez. Sincerely." Another excellent film, always makes me laugh (and then cry a bit.)

It is not my answer, however. Ignoring all thoughts of health and well-being, my choice is chocolate. Because there are lots of different types with interesting flavours added and the chances of getting bored are far, far less. :)

Hey, it's maybe slightly healthier than Strawberry-Flavoured Pez!

In other news, today, I ADULTED. I looked at the sunshine and I took a deep breath and I gardened.

Now, those who have been around for a while know that I do not actually garden. The extent of my gardening is that each year, my mother buys me twelve begonias, I name them, plant them and watch them warily (the year of the dwarves from The Hobbit went unfortunately, six of them literally vanished overnight. The Blake's 7 year was pretty good. The year of the X-Men was excellent and I shall attempt to recreate this when they arrive this year, particularly as I'll probably have just seen X-Men: Apocalypse around the time they arrive. I, for one, look forward to Apocalypse the begonia overlord and his four horsemen begonias ...) (last year, Magneto outlived everybody, it was a little bit annoying.)

But anyway, my front drive is a paved drive and over time, weeds have been growing up. And I have been looking at the weeds and knowing they must be TACKLED. So today, I went into the long neglected greenhouse and I dug out gloves and a fork and I put my MP3Player, cued up I'll Make a Man Out of You and WENT TO WORK. Epically because anything you do to I'll Make A Man Out of You is just that bit more epic.

There were set backs. I realised why my Mum gardens with a bucket when I realised there were little piles of weeds everywhere that I had pulled up. And then I realised that when you leave a plastic bucket alone for nearly four years, it tends to spontaneously combust when you touch it. And then the gardening gloves quietly gave up and developed a hole in one finger which I didn't notice until it was very muddy.

Then it sleeted and I decided that having gardened for an hour, that was quite enough of that. So I went back inside. But I am proud of my excellence so there. The drive looks a lot better though!

This entry was originally posted at If you want, you can comment there instead.

meme, i'm not norking tonsense!

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