Happy New Year!

Jan 02, 2014 22:05

So, on New Years Eve, we were dicussing Harry Potter (as we do) and Dad, in an unfortunate fannish moment of mix-up (given that he hasn't read HP for a while and has watched Blake's 7 recently) and asked about the group of Vilas as opposed to the Veelas. Some moments of hysterical laughter later, I knew that I had a crossover that had to be written at some point (hey, Vila's blond! He could totally have Veela blood in him somewhere!) *eyes remaining days of 12days thoughtfully*

Anyway, we had a very, very nice New Year gathering and enjoyed the fireworks (I live on a hill so if we look out of my top window, you get a great 180 view of all the local firework displays without actually having to go out in the cold!)

And in very pleasing news, I greatly enjoyed Sherlock. I wasn't really expecting to so it was quite a relief - it was one of the first that didn't feel too long to me and I greatly enjoyed Derren Brown's cameo. I was fond of the various daft theories (although I would have liked it to be a tiny bit clearer to say "Yes, that's the truth" because I wanted to know more solidly but eh, I can live with that.) And Mary seemed very nice, which I'm relieved about - I loved watching her and Sherlock rescue John from the bonfire, that worked very well for me. Basically, it fulfilled general emotional needs of what I wanted and expected from the show so I hope it manages to carry on doing that!

And I have now watched more of Elementary and it is definitely working for me so hurrah. :) And Sherlock buying a bottle of wine for the proposing couple was so adorable.

This entry was originally posted at http://still-lycoris.dreamwidth.org/104642.html. If you want, you can comment there instead.

blake 7, slave to the idiot box, harry potter

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