(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 22:47

Today, I met a load of cosplayers on the station! I recognised one was Matt from Death Note so headed over and offered compliments (because it was a brilliant, brilliant costume) and got a hug in exchange! They seemed a very cheery bunch and it was rather lovely to see people being all enthusiastic!

So, yes. Am with emeraldsword. We have been to Caerphilly Castle (where it turns out they filmed Merlin bits!) and it was lovely and pretty and great fun (versipellis, all I could think when I saw the masonry was that your brother would love to climb ALL over it!) We have watched Bradley and Colin commentary on Season 2 Merlin (and some episodes without commentary too!) And because I am sleeping on the sofa bed, I shared my bed with the cat last night. Which was good until the morning where she was all *stares into your face, licks jaws suggestively* I failed to provide food and she left. She is a lovely kitty though! Even if she mauled me when I first came in!

Madness of the weekend.

Sister: Does this chocolate icing look weird to you?
Me: Yes.
Me and Sister: *taste it*
Me: Ugh, very strong.
Sister: I put the right amount of cocoa powder in! I put 2.5 oun - *stops totally dead as she reads the recipe*
Me: That was the wrong amount, wasn't it? XD
Sister: ... Okay, let's try again. Sugar ... 1.5 ounces of cocoa powder ...


Sister: Now, before we go out, wash you hair.
Me: *eyeroll* Where's the shampoo?
Sister: Green bottle to the right.
Me: *goes, has shower, thinks the shampoo is really shit and doesn't lather much*

*Much Later*

Sister: Did you actually wash your hair?
Me: Yes.
Sister: Huh.
Me: It does feel a bit odd ...
Sister: Did you use conditioner rather than shampoo?
Me: ... noooo?
Sister: You so did. XD
Me: Feck.

merlin, chronicles of lycoris's batty relations, death note

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