(no subject)

Sep 07, 2009 23:17

I've been meaning to post this for ages since it happened when versipellis came to visit. My mother made us a cake, as she does. It came out beautifully. She went to ice it. She called us in to show us

It tasted great though! :D

So, today before my book group, I headed into the library because I knew I needed to renew due to the this course. I didn't bother to take my backpack because I wasn't borrowing, just renewing, naturally. Then once I got in there, I thought "Oh, wait - I'll just look to see the second Temeraire book is here." It was. So were Temeraire books three, four and five. Sheepishly, I head over to my mother with four heavy hardbacks in my arms and ask if she has a carrier bag. Luckily, she did. So now there's a pile of Temeraire waiting. The first chapter of book two is SO CUTE! *huggles it* Temeraire is my new happy thing, apparently.

(the book group was fun. There were new people and they were fun and everyone liked the book. The Turing Test by Chris Beckett - read it. Awesome, awesome short stories. Mum has accidentally bought everything else he's ever written. We're withholding this information from Dad)

Have started watching Buffy Season 4! It's interesting I always find Riley so appealing when I first meet him. I'm quite interested to see how my opinion of him has changed over time actually - I don't think of him with the same venom as I used to. And oh, Maggie Walsh! I love Maggie Walsh! I wish she'd stuck around longer, there could have been lots of awesomeness. Hmm, Maggie Walsh and the Mayor gang up together and it would be epic.

And oh, Harsh Light of Day! Spike and Harmony and SPIKE. He's looking terribly attractive in this episode, something to do with the T-shirt. How did Spike end up with Harmony? There must be fics about how this happens because it must have been ... very strange. Or, as Spike says "Funny story." And oh, when they meet at the party. Oh, it's so lovely. I had forgotten what pure lovely it was. And oh, oh, when he's talking to Buffy about Parker and it's just utter filth. (shouldn't have mentioned Angel though Spike. That was dumb)

Also, I hugely approve of how Season 4 starts its plot from the start. There's no procrastination at all, we know about the weird army guys from day one. And also, the credits are very clever in Season 4 - there's two shots of Spike before he's a regular to let you know there's some important blond guy and there's that shot of Faith dancing so you may remember that she's someone to look at later on. And just generally, are there any other people like me who like to watch the credits and try to identify all the episodes? Or is that just me?

Edit: My mother is completely unable to remember Willow's name. She keeps calling her Cordelia. Small but significant difference, Mother! :D

the books they breed, btvs, chronicles of lycoris's batty relations, slave to the idiot box, i has a social life!

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