(no subject)

Sep 21, 2021 11:10

Netflix movie

The Lovebirds (2020)

Writers: Aaron Abrams, Brendan Gall, Martin Gero/Director: Michael Showalter

This is a romantic comedy that is traditional. You’ve seen it with the likes of Cary Grant/Jean Arthur, Doris Day/Rock Hudson, and whoever was the next generation. The only difference for this one is that the protags are POC, something you don’t see on the screen.

These two come across as “The Bickersons”. You can’t really see why they’re together, In fact, during the movie, they break up and then hijinks ensue. They get caught up in a situation and instead of doing the smart thing, which would have ended the movie in 30 minutes, they do the dumb thing which keeps things going.

Though everything is lovey-dovey between the couple at the end, I don’t see how that will keep up. He’s going to go back to nit-picking everything she says; she’ll go back to thinking he’s a real sad sack and exhausting being around.

My movie

Galaxy Quest

This is a comedy worth a rewatch. A gem of a cast: Alan Rickman (always first), Sigourney Weaver, Enrico Colantoni, there isn’t anybody who’s a dud, really. And a good story.

A cast of a former Star Trek type show is transported to space by aliens who need help. If you watch any sci-fi shows you should see this. And think about how your favorite crew would do. It’d probably make a good challenge fest, fanfic about casts Aof various shows in this situation.

Worth keeping.

I had a leak in my tires or something. I tried putting air in but I’m never sure I’m doing it right. So I had to go to the tire shop, but as a friend of mine used to say, whatever you want to do, you have to do something else first. I was riding around with the “check tire pressure” light on for too long because I needed to vacuum the car out some and then take it to the car wash so that the tire people wouldn’t know how I live. And of course, it ended up with my buying two new tires, because you can’t just buy one. You’d drive crooked or list or something.

Then the other day, I got up, did morning things and settled down to get into the computer. I have a routine. I should say I’d gotten up before dawn. It happens sometimes. Anyway, computer is dead. Nothing. I fooled around for about 45 minutes, trying to get something. It’s a dreadful feeling being without your lifeline to the outside world. I gave up in disgust and decided to go to Walmart, the only place in town with computers.

Very early morning is obviously the time to go there. It was gloriously empty. I bought a cheap chromebook. Of course, later in the day, the old computer came back on but it was in its death throes. Sometimes it couldn’t find the wi-fi, sometimes it wouldn’t come on. I think it’s at peace now, for good. It had a very short life span.

I’m lucky I could replace it. I think in the future hoarders won’t have stacks of newspapers in their houses but towers of used, non-functioning electronics.

Oh, and the big news in town is that GoodWill is opening a shop, in a former gym that didn’t make it through the pandemic.

netflix, annoyances, my life, my car, movies

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