Netflix movie
Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)
Writers: Rashida Jones, Will McCormack/Director: Lee Toland Krieger
This one is on the queue be cause of the cast. It’s a rom-com that’s about a divorced couple who find it hard to go their separate ways. They’ve been best friends since they were kids but are basically just incompatible.
When the ex-husband begins a new relationship the movie follows Celeste as she adjusts to a life without him.
You may know I’m not a rom-com kind of gal but it had nice performances.
Worth watching if this is your genre.
I watched
I can’t say the story was compelling to me. And worse, Who’s voice and accent is beginning to get on my nerves. I’m sensitive to voices. I hope this is a passing thing and I won’t even remember it after a while.
And Yaz, they’ve got a young woman who’s not in love with the Dr. They don’t know what to do with her. Whatever could be her function?
I watched Nathan Fillion’s new cop show. It’s more of ensemble than I expected and watchable. But there’s nothing else I watch on Tuesday so I hope I remember it’s on. I forgot Elementary sometimes because they kept putting on different days.
I bought some lounger dresses (short muumuus) on sale from Sears just before they declared bankruptcy. I couldn’t save them .
I’m reading a bio, Beryl Bainbridge by Brendan King and I have to say that I have little idea who she was, except a writer, and I don’t think anybody has ever taken this book out from the library, the pages are so crisp and new-seeming. But it’s a good read.
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