(no subject)

Dec 01, 2014 18:39

I thought I'd participate in my own way in the December meme. And put up a few screencaps up from dvds I own and a sentence or two in description. By their movies shall you know them.

It's a fantasy with Alum Armstrong. Liam Neeson, Robbie Coltrane, Freddie Jones. All stomping around on a set that includes a swamp and giant spider. The female lead's voice has been noticeably dubbed; the male lead has no charisma.

And maybe a poem from Billy Collins, because I like him.

Man in Space
All you have to do is listen to the way a man
sometimes talks to his wife at a table of people
and notice how intent he is on making his point
even though her lower lip is beginning to quiver,

and you will know why the women in science
fiction movies who inhabit a planet of their own
are not pictured making a salad or reading a magazine
when the men from earth arrive in their rocket,

why they are always standing in a semicircle
with their arms folded, their bare legs set apart,
their breasts protected by hard metal disks.

Netflix movie

Angel (2007)

Writers: Elizabeth Taylor (novel), François Ozon/Director: François Ozon

Set in the early 20th Century, this movie follows the career of the aforementioned Angel who burns to be a famous, wealthy writer. She is so narcissistic and obnoxious that you watch the movie just in hopes of seeing something really bad happen to her.

I haven't read the novel but I read about it. The Angel character was inspired by the likes of Marie Corelli who wrote lushly romantic books that the public gobbled up until the fashion changed. I saw a documentary once where Charles Aznavour called Edith Piaf a "monstre", a force that devours all and creates its own reality. That's what the Angel character reminded me of. In her mind the first World War was horrible because it disarranged her life.

I read the book's ending which is different from the movie's. I would rather have seen the book's depicted instead of the cinematically dramatic but too convenient movie closing.

I don't know if it was worth watching but the clothes were terrific.

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netflix, memes, dvds, poetry

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