Netflix movie
The House of Mirth (2003) - Early 20th century woman, marry or else.
Writers: Edith Wharton, Terence Davies/Director: Terence Davies.
Okay, the House of Mirth wasn't. I don't think I read the book; I can't remember it. It's the story of a 29 yr old woman who needs to marry money to continue in society because she has none of her own. Gillian Anderson is the MC and I thought she was fine. Eric Stoltz I'm more dubious about.
Poor MC turns out to be a woman of integrity and can't catch a break.
Worth watching.
The other day (sad and dreary) I was cruising around Ebay looking at Fiestaware. All those happy colors. Kohl's sends me $10 coupons to use on anything. Most everything in the store is made in China, which I try to avoid if possible but they have Fiestaware. I've bought a mug and plate when they were on sale. Otherwise it's too expensive. And the modern stuff is very heavy. The classic stuff is better and even more expensive. Anyhoo, I bought this on Ebay:
It was reasonably priced and the shipping charges weren't outrageous. Cute, n'est-ce pas?
So I watched Sleepy Hollow and liked it. The info dumping was tolerable (I have strict standards). The only place that made me LOL (at the sheer goofiness) was
Crane's wife was a nurse working for the Revolutionary Army in triage? Who is she, Hot Lips Houlihan? Also, witches in the colonies were hanged not burned. If the writers go somewhere with the burning, I'll forgive, otherwise it's just lazy.
Books: I finished Nobody's Perfect by Anthony Lane. Movie reviews, book reviews and general profiles from his columns in The New Yorker . I wish he had more than one book out because I'd read them all. We share the same opinion about the (un)importance of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I'm watching the Brit series, Scott and Bailey which people have said good things about on LJ. It's two women police detectives. I'm lukewarm about it. I'd like them not to call other women "bitches".
Finally why did the mods delete the "Summer of Spike" LJ? It was just sitting there with stories and history, not hurting anybody.
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