Let me know if you have any questions. If you're not comfortable working with future versions, since there aren't any actual references, I can give you another fic. :)
I'm actually really excited about doing future versions of them~ gives me a little more leeway in getting their looks right. I'm excited!
Did you want any particular medium, or is a semi-detailed colored sketch okay? Somewhere between this and this? (that is really weird that the two examples I have are pinkish o.O thats not normal, I promise)
Future Lian/Milagro. H/C cuteness.
Let me know if you have any questions. If you're not comfortable working with future versions, since there aren't any actual references, I can give you another fic. :)
I'm actually really excited about doing future versions of them~ gives me a little more leeway in getting their looks right. I'm excited!
Did you want any particular medium, or is a semi-detailed colored sketch okay? Somewhere between this and this? (that is really weird that the two examples I have are pinkish o.O thats not normal, I promise)
Can't wait to see what you come up with! ^^
you can see it here!
I hope you like it~
Thank you so much! They're really cute. *hearts you*
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