Art Requests and Gifts

Dec 25, 2011 12:15

Requests are Now OPEN!!!
tis the season for Lya to work herself into the ground! :D

The Rules and Some Notes
1. Always feel free to ask me about doing art! Most likely i'll do it. Unless I have a full docket >.> Currently I'm open for doing about 6 or so at a time.

2. Things I can do: People (Humans, "Aliens" with strange ears, etc), basic furniture (table, chairs, etc), simple weapons/technology (swords, headphones, etc), basic backgrounds (flat walls, the night sky, etc).

3. Things I'm not very good at and would prefer not to do, but am will to try: complex weapons/technology (Guns, Mecha, etc), animals (cats, birds, etc), simple wounds (cuts, broken nose, etc), complex backgrounds (cities, cars, etc)

4. Things I will refuse to do no matter what: Full-on anthropomorphic Furries, extensive gore (exposed entrails, broken bones protruding through skin, etc), Mpreg

5. Please give me a deadline! Otherwise, your request will get pushed around by homework, parties, and even other people's requests that seem more urgent. I will let you know before I accept the request if the deadline you've given me is too soon in hopes that we can figure something else out.

6. Taken from telophase: I reserve the right to sell prints of the resulting image/illustration. If you want those rights as well, we'll have to talk. I also reserve the right to include the resulting image/illustration in a portfolio or publish it online.

7. Ways to contact me: You can comment on this thread, drop me a PM here, or email me: lyanth [at] hotmail [dot] com.

8. What to include in your request:
"Art Request" as the subject line
LJ user name
A method of contacting you if you don't check your LJ very often
Character name and what fandom they are from (or a detailed description of you OC)
A prompt (i.e. a scene from your fic, "just smiling", etc)
What medium you'd like: Pencil sketch, digital sketch, clean line-art, colored pencil, and colored digital
When you would like it by, though this is more of a way for me to make sure it gets done.

9. When I have completed the image, i'll remove your request from this list.

10. If something happens and I am unable to complete the image by deadline, I'm really sorry, but there isn't a much I can do. I'm doing these for free, remember? The only incentive I have is mostly personal motivation and wanting to do something nice for someone else. So let me apologize in advance for not getting it done, if that is the case (though I'm really hoping it isn't!)

In progress

- Fan art for fic (anon atm)


- Future Lian/Milagro (milleniumrex)

You can find various examples of my work at my DA account until I have completed more commissions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

just asking for it, psa, shinies!, epic, peeps, fan art, gqmf, awesome, fic, lists, work, comissions, internets eat me alive, open letter, wip, request, update, mail, art, exchange, hello world, kill me now, crack

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