Fic/Animation Exchange Request!?

Oct 28, 2009 10:08

Dear Santa Flist,

There's been lots of talk of holiday fic exchanges going on, as I'm sure you know. I looked into them, and have been interested, but since I consider myself more focused on pictures rather than words (though one day I will focus on words as well), I wrote them off as something not quite for me.

But this morning, as I was walking to class, I had a rather great idea: Jaime and Tim having a snowball fight! And of course, I thought to myself, "sure, I could draw that, but it really does lend itself to something bigger and better, like a fic or animation." However, like i said, writing isn't my forte yet.

So I sunk out of class to propose this to you:

The Request
DCU, Tim and Jaime (Robin III and BB III), Snowball fight. The premise could be that they're working on non-lethal options for the Scarab to use in battle, strategizing, and so on, but really, it can just degrade into a good old-fashioned snowball fight. Any current or previous Titans are welcome to join in, as well as family/friends/frienemies of Tim or Jaime. Bonus points for: Milagro, the Beetle suit being used as long johns, multiple fights/locations, and snow/ice batarangs. Please make it fun!

The Animation
DCU, Tim and Jaime (Robin III and BB III), Snowball fight. It can be a specific scene from the fic above, or them just having a blast in the snow. They will be drawn in a style similar to Rafael Albuquerque's if I can manage it, unless otherwise specified. Also, they will be drawn basically at full human proportion (so no minis/chibis unless also specified), in a format meant for YouTube. The animation itself will last somewhere between 20 seconds and a minute, though ideally I'd like it to be 30 seconds. Now, I know that seems short, but 30 seconds of animation is about 450 drawings. Trust me, it'll be enough time for them to fight.

The Alternative: A Short
As I was writing this, I realized that it would basically be between me and one person/group of people, and thats really not in the spirit of the holidays! So, if you would like to take the request above and make a shorter fic (about comment_fic sized), I will still exchange with you! Instead of an animation, though, I will take a frame of your choosing from the final animation and fully detail/ink/color it to your liking.

Deadlines, etc.
Sign-up Sheet Posting: Nov. 3rd
Sign-up deadline: Nov. 10th
Decision Announcement: Nov. 17th
Submission deadline: TBD (probably late December/January, though)
Word count: 1000 minimum
Shorts Submission deadline: Dec 25th
Shorts Word count: In the neighborhood of a comment_fic

Please Note: You will not be signing up in this post! I will be posting a sign-up sheet/form next week (see above). It will require that you know if your going to work with someone, what your story idea will be including which scene you'd like me to animate (I'd like to know where you're going with this so I have time to plan my animation), how long it will be, and when you think you can complete it by. What you include in the submission will affect my decision! If you think I am unfamiliar with your work, or just want to show off, please include links to previous fics that include any of: Jaime, Tim, Teen Titans, fighting, snow, etc. Also, if you want to apply to both the actual exchange and the short, you are welcome to do so!
However, keep in mind that I am only one woman and I can only select one submission to animate. Which sucks, I know. I wish I could animated something for everyone, but I can't. :/

If any of you are interested, please comment here to let me know! Conversely, if you know someone that might be interested, please link them here! (yes, I made sure to make this public) If I don't get anyone interested in about a week, I'll be posting this on ficartexchange, but I thought I'd give you guys first crack at it.



[ETA] And by comment_fic, I really just mean something not long. It doesn't have to fit inside a comment. They can be over 1000 too, if you really wanted. But thinking in that mindset of keeping it short is important.
[ETA2] And just FYI, the reason i am going through all the pomp and circumstance is that i'd like the person i'm trading with to be as equally committed to this as i am. Doing an animation is a lot of hard work, and I'd like to know i'm not just making it for nothing.

animation, psa, blue beetle, comics, jaime reyes, teen titans, pairing: jaime/tim, fic, open letter, request, tim drake, art, exchange, robin, khaji da

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