One thing that I will do!

Jun 05, 2008 12:15

There are many things that I would like to do before I die, like travel Europe, fall in love, experience the running of the bulls in Pamplona, have sex with the Bears of Spain, skydive, have sex 365 days straight, drive the Autobahn, visit Australia, do a bear run, attain initials after my name (finish school), take my Dad back to Germany, etc., etc.,

But one thing that always gets me emotional each year for the last four or so years is reading about the AIDS Lifecycle which is going on now.

This is something that I truly want to do…I had every intention of doing the lifecycle, but of course I had to go and injure myself.  And the injury has not improved.  I really think that I should buy a bike and start riding.  I think it will help with the injury, be a good way to just start living healthier, and be a jump start to training for the AIDS Lifecycle 2009.

You are forewarned, I may be seeking sponsors sometime after the new year.  I have shed a couple tears each day just reading the blogs and viewing the pictures.  Reading, about the experiences and even seeing the experience through pictures helps me with regaining my faith in humanity.    
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